SimpleFAQ is the most basic CLI help assistant for any job you are currently working on. Completely simple and adjustable for your needs. You can write anything using vim, such as commands, procedures, tasks, or even specify docs for specific actions.
The services folder can be used for anything. You can write a service that is docker, or linux, but you can also use for a project, framework, config parameters, etc...
The services present in the project are just to show you how you can organize your services files.
git clone
Use this to run the script as 'fq ls' , 'fq docker edit', ... and to run the script from any path and even after reboot the server/computer, instead of typing always 'source ls', 'source docker edit', ...
If you only want to run this temporarily just copy and past the step two to your CLI instead of changing the files. This action will be lost after reboot.
- add this to the file "~/.bashrc" if it's not present:
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
. ~/.bash_aliases
- add alias to ~/.bash_aliases with the correct path to your file:
alias fq='source ~/Documents/simpleFAQ/'
- run bashrc to update alias
source ~/.bashrc
If you don't want to use fq alias, use the script as:
source help
The easiest way to use the project is to have always an open cli window just for the faq.
fq help
fq help - this view
fq dir DIR - set services dir
fq SERVICE - view service faq
fq SERVICE new - open new service on vim
fq SERVICE edit - open existing service on vim
fq SERVICE rm - remove service if exists
fq ls - list service files
services dir: ~/Documents/simpleFAQ/services_example
Config services path - default is the services_example folder present in the project:
fq dir ~/Documents/simpleFAQ/services_example
List all existent services (files in services folder)
fq ls
aws ceph docker docker-compose farm git linux scar ssh
Open specific service. Example: docker service file
fq docker
docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash
Edit existent service. This will open the file in vim. Example: edit docker service
fq docker edit
Create new service. This will open the file in vim. Example: new docker2 service
fq docker2 new
Remove service. This will delete the service file. Example: remove docker2 service
fq docker2 rm
Search on services:
fq docker | grep exec
docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash
Assuming that you use one specific CLI window only for the faq and since the program always clear the window you can easily search using the search feature present in the CLI.
The biggest goal of the project is all about simplicity. Easy to check and fast to edit.
Any ideias, please let me know.
Open an issue to help in any way.