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A set of zsh, git, tig, and tmux configuration files.


bash <(curl -fsSL

Extra commands

Name Description
tx Start or attach to TMUX session
txn {name} Rename current pane
txc Rename current TMUX window to short path to current directory
sshk … ssh command without checking and saving host key
ssht … sshk to many hosts at once (requires TMUX session)
scpk … scp command without checking and saving host key
dl … Download one or more files using curl
e … Editor (nano) shortcut
b … bat shortcut
g … grep shortcut
d … Docker shortcut
dr … Docker run shortcut
de … Docker exec shortcut
hf … grep over zsh history
goc Create HTML coverage report for Go sources
gcl {org}/{repo} Clone repository with Go sources
bkp {file} Create backup for file or directory
flat {file} Print flatten list of records
git release {version} Add signed version tag for the latest commit to the master branch
git tag-delete {tag} Delete tag everywhere
git tag-update {tag} Update tag to the latest commit
git pr {pr} Fetch PR with given ID from GitHub
git undo Undo previous commit

Git aliases

Alias Original
st status
ci commit
br branch
co checkout
df diff
dfi icdiff
lg log

Tmux hotkey cheatsheet

Hotkey Action
CTRL+B Prefix key
CTRL+T Toggle panes names
CTRL+Z Toggle pane zoom
CTRL+Q Show session tree
CTRL+L Clear terminal
CTRL+BT Show current time
CTRL+BС Create new window
CTRL+BR Rearrage windows
CTRL+BW List windows
CTRL+B| Split window vertically
CTRL+B- Split window horizontaly
CTRL+B, Set window name
CTRL+BN Next window
CTRL+BP Previous window
CTRL+BA Toggle panes syncing
CTRL+ Move current window to the left (reorder windows)
CTRL+ Move current window to the right (reorder windows)
CTRL+BQ Show pane numbers
CTRL+BX Kill pane
ALT+ Select pane on the left
ALT+ Select pane on the right
ALT+ Select upper pane
ALT+ Select bottom pane
CTRL+BSpace Set panes layout
CTRL+BALT+1 Set panes layout to layout 1
CTRL+BALT+2 Set panes layout to layout 2
CTRL+BALT+3 Set panes layout to layout 3
CTRL+BALT+4 Set panes layout to layout 4
CTRL+BALT+5 Set panes layout to layout 5
CTRL+BALT+6 Set panes layout to layout 6
CTRL+BPgUp Scroll up
CTRL+BPgDn Scroll down
F1 Select window #1
F2 Select window #2
F3 Select window #3
F4 Select window #4
F5 Select window #5
F6 Select window #6
F7 Select window #7
F8 Select window #8
F9 Select window #9
F10 Select window #10
F11 Select window #11
F12 Kill current window
CTRL+R History search with fzf

For function keys support in XShell 5+ you should use custom mappings file.