Applying stepwise regression + selection techniques to optimize predictive accuracy.
Here, we are using stepwise selection + ML to optimize our financial predictions.
E.g. expected credit balance
, daily market direction
, etc.
- You’re ramping up to start a Machine Learning internship with the Synergy Group this summer. They’re one of the biggest names in asset + lending services, and have a strong financial reputation for maximizing predictive success.
After reading all about your recent Data Science experience at UT Austin, your manager Michael is eager to use your skills to improve the company's bottom line.
Data - credit.csv
and new_credit.csv
: Income in $1,000'sLimit
: Credit limitRating
:Credit ratingCards
: Number of credit cardsAge
: Age in yearsEducation
: Education in yearsOwn
: Whether the individual owns a homeStudent
: Whether the individual is a studentMarried
: Whether the individual is marriedRegion
: A factor with levels East, South, and West indicating the individual's geographical locationBalance
: Average credit card balance in $
Other data - 'Smarket.csv'
: The year that the observation was recordedLag1
: Percentage return for previous dayLag2
: Percentage return for 2 days previousLag3
: Percentage return for 3 days previousLag4
: Percentage return for 4 days previousLag5
: Percentage return for 5 days previousVolume
: Volume of shares traded (number of daily shares traded in billions)Today
: Percentage return for todayDirection
: A categorical variable with levelsDown
indicating whether the market had a positive or negative return on a given day
Apply stepwise selection to create accurate models and predict financial outcomes. But our model should be reliable
in its predictions of credit card Balance.
Reliable simply means consistent, especially between different samples.
# starting with backwards stepwise
credit <- read.csv('credit.csv')
lmBack <- step(lm(Balance~., data=credit),
With little idea where to start, I elected to include all predictors and perform backward stepwise regression to derive the ideal model.
Here’s a table with my results:
Step | Removed Variable | Resulting AIC |
1 | Own | 1400.7 |
2 | Education | 1399.0 |
3 | Rating | 1397.3 |
4 | Married | 1396.1 |
5 | Region | 1395.1 |
Next, I compared the accuracy of that model to a full model (with all-predictors) — and the results proved my initial thinking right.
#solving for RMSEs
#full model
lmFull <- lm(Balance ~ ., data=credit)
#full model rmse
#lmBack rmse
The model with the highest accuracy isn’t our backwards-selected one, but actually the full model (as it has the lower RMSE of the two.)
So why is arbitrarily stuffing everything into our model more accurate than using backwards selection, relative to predicting Balance
When you consider how our error metric of RMSE was computed, you realize it isn’t a fair measure of true predictive power at all. The RMSE was calculated on data that the model was trained on. That’s why it may not generalize to new data that our model has never seen before.
I would split the data into training + test sets, then try again from there.
Now we can use the other dataset new_credit.csv
Here’s some code I found to split a sample into training/test sets.
set.seed(set.seed(82, sample.kind = "Rejection"))
frac <- 0.7
n <- nrow(new_credit)
train.cases <- sample(1:n, frac*n)
train.set <- new_credit[train.cases,]
test.set <- new_credit[-train.cases,]
We then sample the initial model code we used.
model3 <- lm(Balance ~ Income + Limit + Cards + Age + Student, data=train.set)
# full model
model4 <- lm(Balance ~ ., data=train.set)
(predict(model3, newdata=test.set) - test.set$Balance)^2
# full model
(predict(model4, newdata=test.set) - test.set$Balance)^2
Here, the more accurate model (when judging based on test set RMSE) is our backward selection one. The full model likely suffered from overfitting to the training data + couldn’t translate its predictive policy to another sample.
Now load the Smarket
data in Smarket.csv
. This dataset contains daily percentage returns of the S&P 500 for the years 2001 to 2005. The variables in the data set are:
: The year that the observation was recordedLag1
: Percentage return for previous dayLag2
: Percentage return for 2 days previousLag3
: Percentage return for 3 days previousLag4
: Percentage return for 4 days previousLag5
: Percentage return for 5 days previousVolume
: Volume of shares traded (number of daily shares traded in billions)Today
: Percentage return for todayDirection
: A categorical variable with levelsDown
indicating whether the market had a positive or negative return on a given day
Try and predict market direction using stepwise selection.
Why not split this data into a training/test set like we did before?
Because then, our observations were intrinsically invariant to time -
their relative position and order within the data didn’t matter to predictive interests.
Now, however, we’ve gotten a time series of information, which implies that we’ll necessarily need to evaluate each point in its unique historical location (relative to adjacent data points).
(i.e. that’s what seasonality and trend components are doing in time series forecasting)
Smarket <- read.csv('Smarket.csv')
Smarket <- Smarket %>% mutate(Up = ifelse(Direction=='Up', 1, 0))
train.returns <- Smarket %>% filter(Year < 2005)
test.returns <- Smarket %>% filter(Year >= 2005)
logi_full <- glm(Up ~ Lag1 + Lag2 + Lag3 + Lag4 + Lag5 + Volume, data=train.returns, family=binomial)
pred.train <- predict(logi_full, type='response') > 0.5
actual.train <- train.returns$Direction=='Up'
xtabs(~pred.train + actual.train)
pred.test <- predict(logi_full, test.returns, type='response') > 0.5
actual.test <- test.returns$Direction=='Up'
xtabs(~pred.test + actual.test)
logi_backward <- step(logi_full, direction='backward')