- Creation date: 2020-11-07
- Last update: {{{export-date}}}
- GNU Emacs system details
- version: {{{emacs-version}}}
- build features: {{{system-features}}}
This section is responsible for the initial setup of Emacs. The setup procedure is executed before the normal configuration loading.
;; GNU Emacs early initialisation -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
The following states the minimum required version of Emacs to use this configuration. I do not plan on maintaining older or legacy versions.
(let ((emacs-version-required "29.2"))
(cond ((version< emacs-version emacs-version-required)
(error "Emacs %s or newer is required; you're running %s" emacs-version-required emacs-version))
((not (version= emacs-version emacs-version-required))
(warn "This configuration is tested with Emacs %s; you're running %s" emacs-version-required emacs-version))))
The garbage collector in Emacs can sometimes slow down the startup
process. By increasing the gc-cons-threshold
to its maximum
value and modifying gc-cons-percentage
, garbage collection is
effectively deferred until Emacs has finished loading. After startup,
these values are reset to more reasonable levels.
(defconst annt/init--file-name-handler-alist file-name-handler-alist)
(defconst annt/init--vc-handled-backends vc-handled-backends)
(setopt gc-cons-threshold most-positive-fixnum)
(setopt gc-cons-percentage 0.5)
(setopt file-name-handler-alist nil)
(setopt vc-handled-backends nil)
(add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook
(lambda ()
(setopt gc-cons-threshold (* 1024 1024 20))
(setopt gc-cons-percentage 0.2)
(setopt file-name-handler-alist annt/init--file-name-handler-alist)
(setopt vc-handled-backends annt/init--vc-handled-backends))))
Silence some warnings native compilation shouts.
(when (native-comp-available-p)
(setopt native-comp-async-report-warnings-errors 'silent)
(setopt native-compile-prune-cache t))
Very basic UI settings, it’s not extensive, as this is not the place to be.
(setopt inhibit-x-resources t)
(setopt inhibit-splash-screen t)
(setopt inhibit-startup-screen t)
(setopt inhibit-startup-buffer-menu t)
(setopt inhibit-startup-echo-area-message user-login-name)
(setopt frame-resize-pixelwise t)
(setopt frame-inhibit-implied-resize t)
(setopt frame-title-format '("%b @ emacs"))
(menu-bar-mode -1)
(tool-bar-mode -1)
(scroll-bar-mode -1)
I don’t why this is a thing. Check this out.
(eval-after-load "startup"
'(fset 'display-startup-echo-area-message (lambda ())))
(setopt package-enable-at-startup nil)
;; GNU Emacs initialisation -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
The following prompts the user to tangle the literate configuration file before exiting (restarting) Emacs.
Q: What is tangl{e,ing} a file?
A: The process of extracting the source code blocks from the Org-mode document and writing them out to separate source code files.
(defconst annt/init--config-literate
(expand-file-name "readme.org" user-emacs-directory)
"File path of the literate configuration file.")
(defun annt/init--tangle-literate-config ()
"Prompt to tangle literate configuration file."
(when (and (equal (buffer-file-name) annt/init--config-literate)
(y-or-n-p "Save and tangle before exiting? "))
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'annt/init--tangle-literate-config)
Section dedicated to providing utility functions (helpers) and macros that
enhance the configuring experience. The primary goal is to simplify and
streamline common tasks, such as, but not limited to, adding N
functions to
hooks in a single add-hook
(defmacro annt/helpers--add-hook (hooks functions &optional depth local)
"Replacement and wrapper for `add-hook'.
Add N FUNCTIONS to M HOOKS. Both optional DEPTH and LOCAL arguments are passed
to `add-hook'.
NOTE: The mode hook should not be quoted."
(let ((hooksp (listp hooks))
(fnsp (listp functions)))
;; both HOOKS and FUNCTIONS are lists
((and hooksp fnsp)
`(mapc (lambda (hk)
(mapc (lambda (fn)
(add-hook 'hk fn ,depth ,local))
;; only HOOKS is a list
`(mapc (lambda (hk)
(add-hook 'hk ,functions ,depth ,local))
;; only FUNCTIONS is a list
`(mapc (lambda (fn)
(add-hook ',hooks fn ,depth ,local))
;; neither HOOKS nor FUNCTIONS is a list
((not (or hooksp fnsp))
`(add-hook ',hooks ,functions ,depth ,local))
;; fallback to error message
(t `(error "Invalid arguments: hooks and functions should be either a symbol or a list")))))
(defalias 'add-hook! #'annt/helpers--add-hook)
The following serves adding directories to the system’s PATH
that may contain
executables you want Emacs to be able to use.
- Nix
- Rust’s Cargo
- Haskell’s GHCup
(append-path "~/scripts")
(defun append-path (path)
"Add the specified PATH to the `exec-path' and 'PATH' environment variable."
(let ((expanded-path (expand-file-name path)))
(if (file-directory-p expanded-path)
(add-to-list 'exec-path expanded-path)
(setenv "PATH" (concat (getenv "PATH") path-separator expanded-path)))
(warn "Warning: %s is not a directory" expanded-path))))
The following is a convenient tool for sharing text data directly from the Emacs session. It allows uploading a selected region of text from any buffer directly to termbin, which is a online service that accepts text data sent to it and returns a unique URL where the data can be viewed in plain text.
NOTE: this tool requires having the nc
command present on your system; it
should be very easy to install as it is widely packaged.
(defun termbin-upload (start end)
"Uploads region between START and END to termbin.com and copies resulting URL.
This function operates asynchronously."
(interactive "r")
(let* ((content (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))
(proc (make-process :name "termbin-upload"
:command '("nc" "termbin.com" "9999")
:connection-type 'pipe
:buffer nil
:filter (lambda (_ string)
(let ((trimmed-string (string-trim-right string "[\n\0]+")))
(message "Uploaded and copied URL: %s" trimmed-string)
(kill-new trimmed-string))))))
(message "Uploading...")
(process-send-string proc content)
(process-send-eof proc)))
(use-package cus-edit
(setopt custom-buffer-done-kill t))
(setopt custom-file (make-temp-file "emacs-custom-file-"))
(defvar bootstrap-version)
(let ((bootstrap-file
(or (bound-and-true-p straight-base-dir)
(bootstrap-version 7))
(unless (file-exists-p bootstrap-file)
'silent 'inhibit-cookies)
(goto-char (point-max))
(load bootstrap-file nil 'nomessage))
;; use bleeding-edge straight.el
(setopt straight-repository-branch "master")
;; do not fully clone repos, just not needed
(setopt straight-vc-git-default-clone-depth 1)
;; always prefer native compilation
(setopt straight-disable-compile nil)
(setopt straight-disable-native-compile nil)
(use-package emacs
(setopt read-answer-short t)
(setopt use-short-answers t)
;; reverting/refreshing/updating
(setopt auto-revert-verbose t)
(global-auto-revert-mode +1))
(use-package use-package
;; always lazy load packages, unless instructed otherwise; use `:demand' to do
;; so, for extra info, see:
;; <https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package#notes-about-lazy-loading>
(setopt use-package-verbose nil)
(setopt use-package-always-defer t)
(setopt use-package-check-before-init nil) ;; performance hit
(setopt use-package-compute-statistics t)
(setopt use-package-ignore-unknown-keywords nil)
;; force using the "-hook" suffix, this should be default...
(setopt use-package-hook-name-suffix nil)
(defmacro annt/package--use-package-external-package (package &rest body)
"Wrapper around `use-package' with external package integration; `straight.el'
in this case.
PACKAGE and BODY are as in `use-package.'"
(declare (indent 1))
`(use-package ,package :straight t ,@body))
(defalias 'use-package! #'annt/package--use-package-external-package))
When Emacs is launched, it will now boot its server as well, emacsclient
. This
allows sharing resources with the initially ran Emacs process. Once Emacs is
killed, the server is too.
I don’t particularly use this feature, yet I see it can be handy in some scenarios, and having the server started does not hurt either.
(use-package server
:demand t
(setopt server-client-instructions nil)
(unless (server-running-p)
(use-package keymap
(defvar-keymap annt/keys--leader-prefix-map
:doc "annt's leader keymap.")
(defun annt/misc--goto-emacs-config-directory ()
"Opens one's Emacs configuration directory."
(find-file user-emacs-directory))
(defun annt/misc--goto-emacs-config-file ()
"Opens one's Emacs configuration file."
(find-file (expand-file-name "readme.org" user-emacs-directory)))
(keymap-set global-map "C-z" annt/keys--leader-prefix-map)
(:map annt/keys--leader-prefix-map
;; system
("/ r" . restart-emacs)
("/ q" . save-buffers-kill-terminal)
;; buffer
("b r" . restart-emacs)
;; private configuration
("f p d" . annt/misc--goto-emacs-config-directory)
("f p p" . annt/misc--goto-emacs-config-file)))
(setopt backup-inhibited nil)
(setopt create-lockfiles nil)
(setopt make-backup-files nil)
(use-package pixel-scroll
:demand t
(pixel-scroll-precision-mode +1))
Refer to the Helpful section.
(use-package help
(setopt help-window-keep-selected t)
(setopt help-window-select t))
(use-package! helpful
(:map help-map
("o" . helpful-symbol)
("f" . helpful-callable)
("v" . helpful-variable)
("k" . helpful-key)
("x" . helpful-command)))
(use-package! which-key
:defer 2
(setopt which-key-lighter "")
(setopt which-key-separator " ➡ ")
(setopt which-key-prefix-prefix "... ")
(setopt which-key-add-column-padding 16)
(setopt which-key-max-display-columns 4)
(setopt which-key-max-description-length 40)
;; timings
(setopt which-key-idle-delay 0.5)
(setopt which-key-idle-secondary-delay 0.25)
(which-key-mode +1))
By default, the initial buffer *scratch*
runs the lisp-interaction-mode
mode, to write ELisp, obviously. I see far more favorable using a regular text
buffer and switch if needed.
(use-package emacs
(setopt initial-buffer-choice t) ;; *scratch* buffer
(setopt initial-major-mode 'text-mode)
(setopt initial-scratch-message nil)
(:map ctl-x-map
("k" . kill-current-buffer)))
The following settings are global. Refer to the language’s proper section for specifics.
(use-package emacs
(setopt tab-width 4)
;; do not use tabs
(setopt indent-tabs-mode nil)
;; indent behaviour
(setopt tab-always-indent 'complete)
;; req. `tab-always-indent'
(setopt tab-first-completion 'word-or-paren-or-punct))
(use-package emacs
(setopt fill-column 80)
(setopt sentence-end-double-space nil)
;; sentences MUST end with a period
(setopt sentence-end-without-period nil)
(:map ctl-x-map
("f" . nil)))
(use-package! evil
:demand t
(setopt evil-echo-state nil)
(setopt evil-overriding-maps nil)
(setopt evil-want-fine-undo t)
(setopt evil-want-keybinding nil)
(setopt evil-want-minibuffer nil)
;; native undo-redo (emacs28+)
(setopt evil-undo-system 'undo-redo)
(evil-mode +1)
(:map evil-motion-state-map
("C-z" . nil)))
(use-package! evil-collection
:demand t
:after evil
(setopt evil-collection-want-unimpaired-p nil)
Some other settings that I do not categorize in specifics.
(use-package emacs
(add-hook! emacs-startup-hook '(show-paren-mode))
(setopt show-paren-style 'mixed)
(setopt show-paren-when-point-inside-paren nil)
(setopt show-paren-context-when-offscreen 'child-frame))
Suggested resources:
- Emacs Completion Explained - Andrew Tropin
(use-package emacs
;; FIXME: `setopt' fails
(setq completion-styles '(basic substring initials flex partial-completion orderless))
;; do not need anything case-specific most of the time (?)
(setopt completion-ignore-case t)
(setopt read-buffer-completion-ignore-case t)
(setopt read-file-name-completion-ignore-case t))
Check the pertintent section regarding completion-styles
(use-package! orderless
:defer 2
(setopt orderless-matching-styles
'(orderless-prefixes orderless-regexp)))
(use-package! doom-modeline
:disabled t
:demand t
(setopt doom-modeline-icon t)
;; buffer
(setopt doom-modeline-buffer-name t)
(setopt doom-modeline-buffer-encoding t)
(setopt doom-modeline-buffer-state-icon t)
(setopt doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style 'truncate-with-project)
(setopt doom-modeline-buffer-modification-icon t)
(setopt doom-modeline-highlight-modified-buffer-name t)
(setopt doom-modeline-column-zero-based nil)
(setopt doom-modeline-total-line-number t)
;; modal
(setopt doom-modeline-modal t)
(setopt doom-modeline-modal-icon t)
(setopt doom-modeline-modal-modern-icon t)
(setopt doom-modeline-always-show-macro-register t)
;; modes
(setopt doom-modeline-major-mode-icon t)
(setopt doom-modeline-major-mode-color-icon t)
(setopt doom-modeline-minor-modes nil)
(add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook #'doom-modeline-mode))
(use-package! keycast
:defer 2
(setopt keycast-mode-line-format "%k%c%R")
;; don't hide rest of the modeline
(setopt keycast-mode-line-remove-tail-elements nil)
(defconst annt/keycast--events-disabled
"List of disabled events that keycast should ignore.")
(defconst annt/keycast--events-typing
"List of disabled events that keycast should interpret as typing.")
(mapc (lambda (ev)
(add-to-list 'keycast-substitute-alist `(,ev nil nil)))
(mapc (lambda (ev)
(add-to-list 'keycast-substitute-alist `(,ev "." "Typing…")))
(use-package minibuffer
(setopt minibuffer-default-prompt-format " [%s]")
(setopt resize-mini-windows t)
;; save minibuffer history across sessions
(setopt history-length t)
(setopt history-delete-duplicates t)
(savehist-mode +1)
;; hide default value when typing
(minibuffer-electric-default-mode +1)
;; remove "shadow" greyed out parts
(file-name-shadow-mode +1)
(:map minibuffer-mode-map
;; unlikely to use an actual tab character, so prefer completion
("M-\\" . dabbrev-expand)))
Suggested resources:
(use-package! vertico
(setopt vertico-cycle t)
(setopt vertico-count 12)
(setopt vertico-resize nil)
(setopt vertico-scroll-margin (/ vertico-count 2))
(setopt vertico-sort-function 'vertico-sort-history-length-alpha)
(:map vertico-map
("C-j" . vertico-next)
("C-k" . vertico-previous))
(vertico-mode +1))
A mini extension for Vertico which extends it by displaying documentation.
(use-package! marginalia
:defer 1
(setopt marginalia-align 'left)
(setopt marginalia-separator " ")
(setopt marginalia-max-relative-age 0)
(marginalia-mode +1))
(use-package! nerd-icons-completion
:defer 3
(nerd-icons-completion-mode +1))
(use-package! nerd-icons-completion
:after marginalia
(use-package emacs
:after custom
(let ((time (string-to-number (format-time-string "%H"))))
(defconst annt/themes--time-day-p (and (> time 9) (< time 18))
"Non-nil if the time of the day is daylight.")
(defconst annt/themes--time-night-p (not annt/themes--time-day-p)
"Non-nil if the time of the day is the dark night.")))
(use-package modus-themes
:demand t
(load-theme 'modus-operandi t t) ;; load; no enabling yet
(setq modus-themes-links '(background italic))
(setq modus-themes-region '(no-extend bg-only accented))
(setq modus-themes-syntax '(green-strings yellow-comments))
(setq modus-themes-mode-line '(accented borderless))
(setq modus-themes-org-blocks 'greyscale)
(setq modus-themes-paren-match '(bold underline))
(setq modus-themes-bold-constructs t)
(setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t)
;; use operandi for daylight
(:map global-map
("M-<f5>" . modus-themes-toggle)))
(use-package! ef-themes
:disabled t
:demand t
;; use any dark theme for night
(when annt/themes--time-night-p
(ef-themes-load-random 'dark)))
(use-package! fontaine
(setopt text-scale-remap-header-line t)
(setopt fontaine-presets
:default-family "mononoki"
:variable-pitch-family "Iosevka Comfy Motion"
:variable-pitch-weight semilight)
:default-family "Iosevka Comfy Motion"
:variable-pitch-family "mononoki"
:variable-pitch-weight semilight)
;; fallback
:default-family nil
:default-weight regular
:default-height 130
:variable-pitch-family nil
:variable-pitch-weight nil
:variable-pitch-height 1.0
:fixed-pitch-family nil
:fixed-pitch-weight nil
:fixed-pitch-height 1.0
:fixed-pitch-serif-family nil
:fixed-pitch-serif-weight nil
:fixed-pitch-serif-height 1.0
:bold-family nil
:bold-weight bold
:italic-family nil
:italic-slant italic
:line-spacing nil)))
;; Set last preset or fall back to desired style from `fontaine-presets'.
(fontaine-set-preset (or (fontaine-restore-latest-preset) 'default))
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'fontaine-store-latest-preset)
(add-hook 'enable-theme-functions #'fontaine-apply-current-preset))
(use-package! nerd-icons :defer 3)
(use-package org
(setopt org-src-window-setup 'current-window)
(setopt org-src-fontify-natively t)
(setopt org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
;; identation
(setopt org-src-preserve-indentation t)
(setopt org-edit-src-content-indentation 0)
;; use major mode's tabs for src blocks
(setopt org-src-tab-acts-natively t))
(use-package dired
(add-hook! dired-mode-hook '(dired-hide-details-mode hl-line-mode))
(setopt dired-recursive-copies 'always)
(setopt dired-recursive-deletes 'always)
(setopt delete-by-moving-to-trash t)
;; do not display available space (top)
(setopt dired-free-space nil)
;; update dired contents when directory contens change
(setopt dired-auto-revert-buffer #'dired-directory-changed-p)
;; `man' ls for extra flags info
(setopt dired-listing-switches
"-AGFhlv --group-directories-first --time-style=long-iso")
;; smart dired
(setopt dired-dwim-target t)
;; when renaming (mv) a vc-controlled file, use vc mv over traditional mv
(setopt dired-vc-rename-file t)
;; offer creating specified directory paths if missing
(setopt dired-create-destination-dirs 'always)
(setopt dired-create-destination-dirs-on-trailing-dirsep t)
(:map dired-mode-map
("C-+" . dired-create-empty-file)))
(use-package wdired
:after dired
(setopt wdired-allow-to-change-permissions t)
(setopt wdired-create-parent-directories t))
(use-package! dired-subtree
:after dired
(:map dired-mode-map
("<tab>" . dired-subtree-toggle)
("<backtab>" . dired-subtree-remove)))
(use-package! nerd-icons-dired
:after dired
(add-hook! dired-mode-hook '(nerd-icons-dired-mode)))
Suggested resources:
- Emacs: search and replace basics - Protesilaos
- Emacs: modern minibuffer packages (Vertico, Consult, etc.)
(use-package! consult
(:map goto-map
("i" . consult-imenu)
("g" . consult-goto-line)
("M-g" . consult-goto-line)
("o" . consult-outline))
(:map search-map
("@" . consult-kmacro)
("d" . consult-fd)
("g" . consult-ripgrep)
("s" . consult-line)
("M-s" . consult-line)
("i" . consult-info))
(:map ctl-x-map
("b" . consult-buffer)
;; ctl-x-4-map
("4 b" . consult-buffer-other-window)
;; ctl-x-r-map
("r b" . consult-bookmark)
;; project map
("p b" . consult-project-buffer))
(:map annt/keys--leader-prefix-map
("b b" . consult-buffer))
(:map minibuffer-local-map
("M-r" . consult-history)))
(use-package! magit
(setopt magit-define-global-key-bindings nil)
(:map global-map
("C-c g g" . magit-status)))
(use-package project
(setopt project-kill-buffers-display-buffer-list t))
(use-package! nix-mode
:mode "\\.nix\\'"
;; treat flake.lock files as json
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist (cons "/flake\\.lock\\'" 'js-mode))
(add-hook 'nix-mode-local-vars-hook #'tree-sitter! 'append))