Prints the dependency tree using data loaded by iwtr-import
This command-line tool is part of the IWTR project.
iwtr-print-deps prints a list of dependent modules, grouped by distance starting from the module you pass as a command line parameter. The group is derived from the data previously loaded into the graph database using the tool iwtr-import.
Download the code
Open a terminal and go to the project root directory
On a Linux machine:
./gradlew installApp
cd build/install/iwtr-print-deps
./bin/iwtr-print-depsOn a Windows machine:
gradlew.bat installApp
cd build\install\iwtr-print-deps
bin\iwtr-print-deps -
Follow the instructions
The command won't give you any feedback if the module you're looking for doesn't exist in the database. Il will complain only if the default location ($HOME/.iwtr) of the database is missing or no database is found.
- Testing? Probably not much unit tests but most likely some integration tests for avoiding regressions