- 🤘 Currently taking a master's in AI at UT Austin, so if my code starts writing itself, you'll know why!
- 🔭 Open to Software Engineering positions where I learn and grow, but I'm current working on some personal projects. Mainly, QAMOUS (Front-End, Back-End, Data)
- 🌱 Learning ML, DL, RL, Rust, and some COBOL!
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with my Qamous Project so if you're interested, please reach out to me
- 💬 Ask me about my projects and experience
- 📫 How to reach me: go to my LinkedIn profile and message me there
High-level OOP Languages:
Low-level Languages / Systems Programming:
Web and Mobile Application Development:
Outdated / Misc Languages:
Data Science and Machine Learning:
Backend Development:
JetBrains IDEs:
Microsoft IDEs:
Other IDEs:
Data Analysis and Visualization IDEs: