This if a facade of org.denigma.codemirror library. All the code is inside org.denigma.codemirror subproject.
In order to resolve a lib you should add a resolver::
resolvers += sbt.Resolver.bintrayRepo("denigma", "denigma-releases") //add resolver
libraryDependencies += "org.denigma" %%% "codemirror-facade" % "5.13.2-0.8" //add dependency
Currently both Scala 2.11.x and Scala 2.12.x are supported.
Add text area somewhere:
<textarea id="scala"> </textarea>
Write some simple code
import{CodeMirror, EditorConfiguration}
import org.scalajs.dom
import org.scalajs.dom.raw.HTMLTextAreaElement
val id = "scala"
val code = println("hello Scala!") //code to add
val mode = "clike" //language mode, some modes have weird names in org.denigma.codemirror
val params: EditorConfiguration = EditorConfig.mode(mode).lineNumbers(true) //config
val editor = dom.document.getElementById(id) match {
case el:HTMLTextAreaElement =>
val m = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(el,params)
m.getDoc().setValue(code) //add the code
case _=> dom.console.error("cannot find text area for the code!")
Preview subprojects are required to see some examples of using the facade.
To run preview:
sbt //to opens sbt console
re-start //Use this command **instead of** run to run the app
Open localhost:5554 to see the result, it should reload whenever any sources are changed
In org.denigma.extensions package there are some methods that extend default codemirror functionality.