Simple Gatherers simulation in Rust, using Bevy. Port of the Breve Gatherers original.
The white boxes, 'ants', follow most simple rules, and don't know anything about each other:
- go straight in random direction
- if encounter food, pick it up, and turn back to a random direction
- if encounter food, but is already carrying one, drop the food, and turn back
This results in the food getting gathered in piles, maybe eventually in a single pile, even though the gatherers don't know anything about each other, nor have such a goal really written explicitly. This is a simple emergent phenomenon.
Is a loose port of the original Gatherers demo made in Breve, back in 2002 or so. The original code is in:
Made using the Bevy game engine for Rust, reusing the wrap-around system and other lessons from the Asteroids clone Bevydroids. Thanks!
- Basic behaviour from the original Breve Gatherers working
- UI Speed control slider:
- need to set the speed to a var & the pick-up cooldown to be calculated from the speed sensibly
- Respond to windows size change in the browser, and make full browser window sized.
- Works on the desktop already, just needs the browser hooks
- Optimize and improve collision detection
- (maybe using continuous collision detection which would be a nice fit with the linear movements here)
- (perhaps use or )
- DONE: there'sa simple SpatialIndex in the Observers example,
- Add sounds to events, food pickup & drop
- would be cool to have these parametric so that the amount of food nearby affects the sound
- Maybe add colours to the food to mark some info, like time since last pick-up, the direction from where it arrived to the current drop spot, what else?