In order to ease game development on a non graphical user interface, an entity-component-system architecture was chosen and implemented. It's managed through the coordinator class and an example of its usage and conciseness can be seen:
Example Components:
struct Gravity {
glm::vec3 force;
struct Velocity {
glm::vec3 velocity;
Example System:
extern Coordinator coord;
void PhysicsSystem::update(float dt) {
for (auto const& entity : entities) {
auto const& gravity = coord.get_component<Gravity>(entity);
auto& velocity = coord.get_component<Velocity>(entity);
velocity.velocity += gravity.force * dt;
Example Main Loop:
void main() {
Coordinator coordinator;
coordinator.init(); // Initializes entity manager, system manager and component manager
auto physics_system = coordinator.register_system<PhysicsSystem>();
Signature signature;
coordinator.set_system_signature<PhysicsSystem>(signature); // Identify which components are going to be used in the system
std::vector<Entity> entities (MAX_ENTITIES);
for (auto& entity : entities) {
entity = coordinator.create_entity();
coordinator.add_component(entity, Gravity { glm::vec3(0.0f, -9.81f, 0.0f) });
coordinator.add_component(entity, Velocity { glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) });
float dt = 0.0f;
while(!quit) {
auto start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto stop_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
dt = std::chrono::duration<float, std::chrono::seconds::period>(stop_time - start_time).count();
This ECS implementation was heavily inspired by:
All the rendering is done using Vulkan, the boilerplate by VkBootstrap
, obj loading through tinyobjloader
and texture loading through stb_image
Here is what's finished:
- Initialization
- Graphics Pipeline
- Meshes
- Buffers, Shader I/O
- Textures
- Integration with ECS