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Unibeautify CI

GitHub App

Unibeautify CI

GitHub App

Automated universal code beautifier. The one beautifier to rule them all!

Support for 36 languages and 42 configurable options and rapidly growing!



Simply install the app, configure your repositories with a .unibeautifyrc.yml file, and profit!


There are many of options for you to personalize. Check out the Playground to give it a try!

Pro Tip: Use the interactive assistant to help create a personalized configuration file:

Example Configuration

See for more information.


  beautifiers: ["Pretty Diff", "Prettier"]
  align_assignments: false
  arrow_parens: "as-needed"
  break_chained_methods: true
  end_with_comma: true
  end_with_semicolon: true
  indent_char: " "
  indent_size: 2
  jsx_brackets: false
  multiline_ternary: true
  object_curly_spacing: true
  quotes: "double"
  space_after_anon_function: false
  wrap_line_length: 80
  indent_char: " "
  indent_size: 2
  indent_char: " "
  indent_size: 2

Show & Tell

1. Commit Status

Click Details to see the full report for the commit status check.

pr checks 2

2. Checks Report

Simply click Resolve to view the Comparing changes page with your formatting fixes.

pr checks output 1

3. Comparing Changes

After you've reviewed the changes, click Create pull request to quickly fix your code without ever leaving GitHub!



Unibeautify CI is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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