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Terraform AWS VPN

This repository creates an AWS Client VPN Endpoint for the AWS Organization, which is connected to the AWS Transit Gateway.


AWS SSO must be configured appropriately for the AWS Organization, for the Client VPN to be able to authenticate users.


  1. Login to the AWS Account where <CUSTOMER_NAME> AWS SSO is configured (https://<CUSTOMER_SSO_DOMAIN> => <CUSTOMER_MANAGEMENT_ACCOUNT>)
  2. Navigate to IAM Identity Center
  3. On the left-hand column, navigate to Applications and then Add application
  4. Tick Add a custom SAML 2.0 application and press Next
  5. Provide a friendly display name for the application, e.g. AWS Client VPN
  6. Application start URL can later be changed to the VPN self-service portal URL, once provisioned
  7. At the bottom under Application metadata, specify:
    1. Application ACS URL:
    2. Application SAML audience: urn:amazon:webservices:clientvpn
  8. Press Submit
  9. Press Assign Users and then assign any Users or Groups who should have access to the VPN (or select all Groups for now)
  10. At the top right, press Actions and then Edit attribute mappings
    1. For Subject, set the string value to ${user:email} and format as emailAddress
    2. Add memberOf, set the string value to ${user:groups} and format as unspecified
  11. Press Save changes
  12. Go back to Actions and then Edit configuration
  13. Press Download to retrieve the IAM Identity Center SAML metadata file and store it in this repository in the metadata directory
  14. Repeat all the steps for the AWS Client VPN Self Service Portal, with one change:
    1. For the Application ACS URL, provide the value

Once the above steps are complete, the Terraform can be applied via the GitHub CI Pipeline.

Updating Docs

The terraform-docs utility is used to generate this README. Follow the below steps to update:

  1. Make changes to the .terraform-docs.yml file
  2. Fetch the terraform-docs binary (
  3. Run terraform-docs markdown table --output-file ${PWD}/ --output-mode inject .

Adding new authorization rule

By default, all VPN access is denied, regardless of provided routing. You are required to explicitly allow access to given CIDR ranges to different SSO groups through a set of authorization rules. In order to add a new rule when the SSO Group exists already, you need to do the following:

  1. Check if the data resource was created to extract the group ID in your terraform values
variable "sso_groups" {
  description = "SSO groups to create VPN rules for"
  type        = list(string)
  default     = []
  1. Add a new authorization rule explicitly in specifying what CIDR range is allowed for each group. Only one CIDR is allowed per rule:
  authorization_rules = [
      access_group_id     = data.aws_identitystore_group.groups["NAME OF THE GROUP"].group_id
      description         = "Allow VPN access to all internal services for Cloud Admin users"
      name                = "allow-all-cloud-admin"
      target_network_cidr = "" # All internal access


Can't access required CIDRs over VPN?

If you have added an authorization rule, but can't access the network over VPN, make sure that:

  • you have disconnected/reconnected to your VPN client (you may need to wait a couple of minutes or disconnect/reconnect a couple of times)
  • you are part of the correct group
  • the group ID is correct (You can find it in the Identity Center in AWS Audit Account and comapre to added rules for Client VPN in Remote Access AWS Account)
  • the group has been added to both VPN applications in Identity Center in AWS Audit Account
  • the resource you are trying to access has correct security group rules.

Want to add a new SSO group and permissions to access VPN?

When adding a new group to SSO, there are following steps to complete:

  • Add a new group to the AWS SSO Application within Google Admin
  • Add the new group to terraform-aws-identity repository.
  • Add a new group to VPN applications in Identity Center in AWS Audit Account
  • Specify the allowed CIDR ranges via new authorization rule for the new group in this repository.



Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
aws ~> 5.0


Name Version
aws ~> 5.0


Name Source Version
client_vpn cloudposse/ec2-client-vpn/aws 1.0.0


Name Type
aws_iam_saml_provider.vpn resource
aws_iam_saml_provider.vpn_portal resource


Name Description Type Default Required
authorization_rules Authorization rules for the VPN
access_group_id = string
description = string
name = string
target_network_cidr = string
n/a yes
name Name of the VPN string n/a yes
saml_provider_document Document for the SAML provider string n/a yes
saml_provider_portal_document Document for the SAML provider portal string n/a yes
tags Tags to apply to all resources map(string) n/a yes
vpc_id ID of the VPC to use for the VPN string n/a yes
vpn_log_stream_name Name of the CloudWatch log stream for the VPN string n/a yes
vpn_org_name Name of the organization for the VPN string n/a yes
client_cidr CIDR block for the VPN clients string "" no
enable_vpn Whether to enable and deploy the VPN (useful do to dependency of this module) bool false no
public_subnet_ids IDs of the public subnets to use for the VPN list(string) [] no
saml_provider_name Name of the SAML provider string "Client_VPN" no
saml_provider_portal_name Name of the SAML provider portal string "Client_VPN_Portal" no
vpn_log_retention Number of days to retain VPN logs number 7 no


Name Description
client_configuration VPN Client Configuration data.
vpn_endpoint_arn The ARN of the Client VPN Endpoint Connection.
vpn_endpoint_dns_name The DNS Name of the Client VPN Endpoint Connection.
vpn_endpoint_id The ID of the Client VPN Endpoint Connection.