DevCard is the go-to platform for developers to create professional business cards that showcase their skills and expertise. Our user-friendly platform allows you to get cards that reflect your brand and communicate your value proposition. Join us today to elevate your professional image and succeed in your career!
- Sign In (Sign not possible without email verification) / Sign Up
- JWT authentication
- Forgot password
- Gmail integration
- Verify email
- Contact us / Feedback form
- Update email
- Download user data
- Demo
- Crop image for demo
- Update password
- Delete account
- Image delivery using Cloudfront CDN
- Cloudfront image invalidation.
- Cloudfront signed URL
- Storing objects on S3
- Update image
- Update personal / professional information
These environmental variables are for backend code:
FLASK_APP - (Main file name with extension which will run the whole application)
FLASK_DEBUG - True (optional)
FLASK_RUN_PORT - Port on which the server will run
AWS_KEY - AWS KEY for boto3 (must have access to the Bucket and CloudFront)
AWS_SECRET - AWS SECRET for boto3 (must have access to the Bucket and CloudFront)
BUCKET - AWS bucket name
MAIL_SERVER - Mail server URL
MAIL_PORT - Email server port
MAIL_USERNAME - Email address
MAIL_PASSWORD - email application password
JWT_SECRET_KEY - JWT token secret key
JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES - JWT enpiry time in seconds
CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION_ID - Cloudfront distribution ID
CLOUDFRONT_KEY_ID - Cloudfront Key ID which stores the public RSA key
CLOUDFRONT_RSA_KEY - Private RSA key for signing cloudfront URLs
HOST_URL - URL of your frontend
- Create a bucket for storing object
- Create a CDN which must have access to the bucket created above
- Create public and private keys.
- Create AWS KEY and AWS SECRET for boto3 SDK
I attempted to create this website as a part of my learning experience with React and Flask. Unfortunately, due to some recent changes in my circumstances, I haven't been able to fully complete the project. I am now seeking someone who would be interested in taking over this project, and I would be more than happy to offer my assistance and guidance to ensure its successful continuation.
If you liked something about this repository, do give it a 🌟. It will motivate me come up with more such project. You can reach out to me on my social media given below.