- Ruby 2.2.2+ or jRuby 9+ (with JDK7 a JDK8)
To install the most recent stable version
gem install occi-core
To install the most recent beta version
gem install occi-core --pre
To build a bleeding edge version from master
git clone git://github.com/the-rocci-project/rOCCI-core.git
cd rOCCI-core
gem build occi-core.gemspec
gem install occi-core-*.gem
require 'occi/infrastructure-ext'
logger = Yell.new STDOUT, name: Object # IO or String
logger.level = :debug # see https://github.com/rudionrails/yell
model = Occi::InfrastructureExt::Model.new
model.valid! # this should never raise an error when using stock model extensions
model.kinds # => #<Set ...>
model.mixins # => #<Set ...>
model.actions # => #<Set ...>
kind = model.find_by_identifier! 'http://schemas.ogf.org/occi/infrastructure#compute' # => #<Occi::Core::Kind ...>
mixin = model.find_by_identifier! 'http://schemas.ogf.org/occi/infrastructure#os_tpl' # => #<Occi::Core::Mixin ...>
model.find_dependent mixin # => #<Set ...> of mixins that depend on the given mixin
model.find_related kind # => #<Set ...> of kinds related to the given kind
# always access the IB instance associated with a model instance
ib = model.instance_builder
ib.get 'http://schemas.ogf.org/occi/infrastructure#compute' # => #<Occi::Infrastructure::Compute ...>
# using `mixin` selected from Model instance
# using `compute` created by InstanceBuilder instance
compute.identify! # to generate `occi.core.id`
compute['occi.core.id'] # => #<String ...>
compute['occi.core.title'] = 'Mine' # to assign instance attribute value
compute << mixin # add a mixin
compute.valid! # to validate
# using `action` selected from Model instance
ai = Occi::Core::ActionInstance.new(action: action)
ai['method'] # => #<String ...>
ai['method'] = 'cold' # to assign action instance attribute value
# using `model`
# using `compute` created by InstanceBuilder instance
# using `compute1` created by InstanceBuilder instance
# using `compute2` created by InstanceBuilder instance
collection = Occi::Core::Collection.new
collection.categories = model.categories
collection << compute
collection << compute1
collection << compute2
# using `kind` selected from Model instance
collection.find_by_kind kind # => #<Set ...> of Occi::Core::Entity or its sub-type
collection.find_by_id! '12554' # => #<Occi::Core::Entity ...> or its sub-type
# using `compute` created by InstanceBuilder instance
compute.valid! # ALWAYS validate before rendering!
compute.to_text # => #<String ...>
compute.to_json # => #<String ...>
# using `collection` with `collection.categories` set
collection.valid! # ALWAYS validate before rendering!
collection.to_text # => #<String ...> with at most one Occi::Core::Entity sub-type
collection.to_json # => #<String ...>
model = Occi::InfrastructureExt::Model.new # empty or partially loaded model instance can be used
mf = File.read File.join('examples', 'rendering', 'model.json')
Occi::Core::Parsers::JsonParser.model(mf, {}, 'application/occi+json', model)
model.valid! # ALWAYS validate before using the model!
# using `model`
parser = Occi::Core::Parsers::JsonParser.new(model: model, media_type: 'application/occi+json')
cf = File.read File.join('examples', 'rendering', 'instance.json')
entities = parser.entities(cf, {}) # => #<Set ...>
entities.each(&:valid!) # ALWAYS validate before using parsed instances!
module Custom
class Warehouse < Occi::Core::Warehouse
class << self
def whereami
# the `warehouse` directory should be located in this directory
See definitions in Occi::Infrastructure::Warehouse
for inspiration.
If you need to extend the model, use a custom Warehouse
class to do it. Actions, kinds, and mixins referenced
by identifier in Custom::Warehouse
definition YAMLs have to be already present in the model instance being extended!
model = Occi::InfrastructureExt::Model.new
Custom::Warehouse.bootstrap! model
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- Commit your changes (git commit -am "My changes")
- Push to the branch (git push origin my_markup)
- Create an Issue with a link to your branch