CAOS is a framework to support computer aided design of structural operational semantics for formal models.
The framework is written in Scala 3 and can be imported as a submodule of any Scala project. It can be used to produce interactive visualisations of formal models under development, by compiling into JavaScript (using Scala.js) to be interpreted by a browser.
- Scala version 2.13 or higher (to work with Scala 3)
- Scala building tools (sbt)
- Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
CAOS is meant to be imported by an ongoing Scala project with a concrete Abstract Syntax Tree. The best way to learn how to use it is to follow examples of projects that use CAOS.
Examples of such projects include:
- Simple While-language (source)
- Simple Lambda Calculus (source)
- Ceta: Choreographic Extended Team Automata – realisability experiments (ICTAC'23 paper+source)
- Branching Pomset Encoder (ICE'22 paper+source)
- Pompset: Scala API generation of MPST via Pomsets (ECOOP'22 paper+source)
- ST4MP: Session Types for Multilanguage Programming (ISoLA'22 paper+source)
- Choreo: experiments with choreographies with strong choice and loops (source)
- Mars: early experiments on a language to generate runtime monitors (RTSS'20 short paper)
- Marx: experimental reactive language for synchronous architectures (source)
- VVML: animator and analyser of a subset of UML Activity Diagrams (source)
- Apoo: animator of a simple assembly language (Apoo's main page)
- CCS: animator of Milner's Calculus of Communicating Systems (source)
- MARGe: Animator of Labelled Reactive Graphs (source)
- RebeCaos: animator of Rebeca (source)
Alternatively, it is possible to start from a CAOS template, following the instructions described here (this template uses an older version of CAOS).
The rest of this document describes the essentials needed to use CAOS. A more detailed tutorial can be found online:
- Caos' tutorial:
- Caos' demo video:
It is also possible to start with a simple template using giter8, based on a CCS example, by running sbt in the command line as follows.
sbt new arcalab/caos.g8
This command will automatically create a project structure with a minimal example that compiles, using a given name for the project.
We recommend to define CAOS as a git submodule of your own Scala project. Under your project folder run the following command.
git submodule add lib/caos
This will add CAOS as a new git submodule into a folder lib/caos/
Assuming you have a project named rootProject
with the following build.sbt:
lazy val rootProject ="."))
name := "rootProject",
scalaVersion := <yourversion>, // 2.13 or higher
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
you can import and set CAOS by adding the following definitions:
lazy val caos ="lib/caos"))
.settings(scalaVersion := "3.1.1")
lazy val rootProject ="."))
name := "rootProject",
scalaVersion := <yourversion>, // 2.13 or higher
scalaJSUseMainModuleInitializer := true,
// replace rootProject.Main by the correct path to your Main.scala class
Compile / mainClass := Some("my.root.project.Main"),
Compile / fastLinkJS / scalaJSLinkerOutputDirectory :=
baseDirectory.value / "lib" / "caos"/ "tool" / "js" / "gen",
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
Note that the scalaVersion of your project should typically match the one of CAOS.
You will also need to add the plugin for ScalaJS by appending to the file project/plugins.sbt
(create file if it does not exist yet):
addSbtPlugin("org.scala-js" % "sbt-scalajs" % "1.7.1")
CAOS provides an interface (formally a trait
in Scala) called Configurator
// CAOS Configurator
trait Configurator[Stx]:
///// Interface of a configurator for CAOS /////
/** Name of the project */
val name: String
/** Optional: name of the input language */
def languageName: String
/** How to create an AST from text */
val parser: String=>Stx
/** List of examples *//
val examples: Iterable[(String,Stx)]
/** Main widgets, on the right hand side of the screen */
val widgets: Iterable[(String,WidgetInfo[Stx])]
/** Secondary widgets, below the code */
val smallWidgets: Iterable[(String,WidgetInfo[Stx])]=Nil
object Configurator:
///// Constructors for widgets //////
// Visualisers:
def view[Stx](viewProg:Stx=>String, typ:ViewType): WidgetInfo[Stx]
def viewTabs[Stx](viewProgs:Stx=>List[(String,String)], typ:ViewType): WidgetInfo[Stx]
def viewMerms[Stx](viewProgs:Stx=>List[(String,String)]): WidgetInfo[Stx]
def viewWarn[Stx](viewProg:Stx=>String,typ: ViewType):WidgetInfo[Stx]
// Animators:
def steps[Stx,A,S](initialSt:Stx=>S, sos:SOS[A,S], viewProg:S=>String, typ:ViewType): WidgetInfo[Stx]
def lts[Stx,A,S](initialSt:Stx=>S,sos:SOS[A,S],viewSt:S=>String,viewAct:A=>String,maxSt:Int=80): WidgetInfo[Stx]
// Comparing semantics:
def compare[Stx,S1,S2](comp:(S1,S2)=>String, t:ViewType, pre1:Stx=>S1, pre2:Stx=>S2): WidgetInfo[Stx]
def compareBranchBisim[Stx,A,S1,S2](sos1:SOS[A,S1],sos2:SOS[A,S2],pre1:Stx=>S1,pre2:Stx=>S2): WidgetInfo[Stx]
def compareTraceEq[Stx,A,S1,S2](sos1:SOS[A,S1],sos2:SOS[A,S2],pre1:Stx=>S1,pre2:Stx=>S2): WidgetInfo[Stx]
// Mandatory checks (throw errors and return warnings):
def check[Stx](a: Stx=>Seq[String]): WidgetInfo[Stx]
To use CAOS you need to instantiate the Configurator[A]
for example in a classe. For example, for a MyLanguage
object you could define:
class MyConcreteConfigurator extends Configurator[MyLanguage]:
val widgets = List(
"View parsed data" -> view(x=>x.toString , Text),
"View pretty diagram" -> view(MyGraph.buildMermaid, Mermaid),
"Run small-steps" -> lts(
myBuildInitState, mySmallSOS, myPrintState, myPrintLabels),
Currently we can visualise plain text and Mermaid diagrams. A full example can be found, e.g., in the configurator in Choreo's project.
Finally, you need to call from your Main
class to the initSite
mehtod in CAOS.
// Root Project Main class
package my.root.project
import caos.frontend.Site.initSite
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]):Unit = {
In root project you need to run sbt
to compile using ScalaJS's compiler:
sbt fastLinkJS
The resulting web page, already linked to the compiled JavaScript, can be found in
, if you imported CAOS, or in the select <tool_path>/index.html
if you used the CAOS template.