👤 Sigurd Arik Gaarde Nielsen
🖥 FrontEnd
💾 BackEnd
👮🏽♂️ Travis
Initial Setup (Do not open the project in your IDE for anything below)
Before you start verify that your local docker-environment is started and startcode_test is available
In a terminal (git bash on Windows) clone the project. CD into the project folder and delete the .git folder and Do "Your own"
git init
In the project folder run this:
mvn clean test
(make sure your docker environment is up) -
When everything above is fine, create your OWN repository for the project on github. Commit and Push your code to this repo.
Go to Travis-ci.com and Sign up with GitHub
Accept the Authorization of Travis CI. You’ll be redirected to GitHub Click the green Activate button, and select the new repository to be used with Travis CI. Now you are ready for the next steps :-)
Deploy the project (manually) via Maven
Before you start make sure you have all these details ready (make a small document with the values FIRST)
The user you have created on your droplet MySQL server, with GRANTS to all databases: User: _________ Password _________
The user you have created to allow deployment on Tomcat (On your droplet look in tomcat/tomcat-users.xml if you have forgot): User: _________ Password _________
The name to your server https://xxxxxx.dk (make sure you can access /manager/html)
Open your project in your IDE, since we have to make a few changes to the code and pom-file
Open the pom-file, and locate the properties-section at the start of the file. Change the value for remote.server to a URL pointing to YOUR droplet On your droplet, either using workbench locally or via the SQL-client on the droplet, create a new database called startcode_demo.
ssh into your droplet, and navigate into the root of the cloned docker project
Stop your docker-servers:
docker-compose down
With nano, open docker-compose.yml
Under the web: section find the lines given below and change USER, and PW to your values, and change CONNECTION_STR to point startcode_demo (If you have an existing Java-project, using a database on your droplet, follow the instructions given in DigitalOcean Setup instructions "Create another database and set environment variables to host additional Java Projects")
CONNECTION_STR: "jdbc:mysql://db:3306/startcode"
USER: "dev"
PW: "ax2"
Save the file, rebuild and run using these commands:
docker-compose down
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Back in a LOCAL terminal (git bash on Windows), in the root of the Java-project, type:
mvn clean test -Dremote.user=USER -Dremote.password=PW tomcat7:deploy
The values for user and password above, are those YOU have added in tomcat-users.xml during the initial setup of your droplet. -
HOPEFULLY, those values are NOT admin and admin123, if they are, do the following:
docker-compose down
With nano, open
Change username and password and save. -
docker-compose build --no-cache
Start the servers again:
docker-compose up -d
If everything was fine the project was deployed to your droplet, ready to use with the remote database. Test like this:
Let Travis deploy your project - if it builds and all tests are green In this step we will let travis deploy our project if it builds and all tests are green :-)
Login to Travis using Github, and select your project on the dashboard
Click "More options" and select "settings"
Create two Environment Variables with names and values as sketched below (two steps)
These are the values you added in step 10-11, when we deployed via maven by yourself. In this part, since you did it yourself, secrets were not an issue. On Travis it is. So this ensures that no one else can see your credentials -
Now make a small change to index.html (one that is easy to see after deploy)
In a terminal, in the root of the project, type:
mvn clean test
(always build and test before you commit). If everything was fine, commit and push your changes -
On travis-ci.org verify that your commit has been detected and a "build cycle" has started
If everything was fine (might take a few minutes) verify that Travis has deployed your new war file to your droplet
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
Feel free to fork this project and make your changes.
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