It's a great plesure for me you visited here. I am a Full Stack Developer, chasing upto my dreams, developing, designing web applications. Working experience in HTML/CSS, React, MongoDB, Node.js, Express, RESTful APIs, UI/UX Libraries.
🔭 Rebuilding a more optimised version of ( with React.js, HTML/CSS, Javascript, Rest API, Chakra UI, Bootstrap (React.js) version
🌱 Having experience in React.js, HTML, CSS, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Rest APIs, UI/UX Design/Development, HLD/LLD, Design Flow, Project Management
👯 A Weather app (SPA), light weighted, quick loading, optimised. Working on the device compatibility/ media query etc. Weather'sGood (Beta) version
🤝 A team of four members, build a pixel to pixel replica using the primitive technologies with HTML/CSS, Javascript, jquery, bootstrap and other UI Libraries as a part of #backtobasics challenge. Special thanks to Masai School for choosing one of the top projects. (Replica)
💬 Favourites React, HTML/CSS, Javascript, DSA, Objective based problem solving
📫 How to reach me
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⚡ Loves Playing Piano🎹❤️