FeedText is an application that combines the content of all files present in a specified folder into a single .txt document. This tool is useful for creating a consolidated view of your project's files, making it easier to feed your codebase into AI or for other analysis purposes.
- Graphical user interface for easy operation
- Recursively scans a specified directory for files
- Combines the content of all files into a single .txt document
- Allows skipping specific files and directories
- Supports various file formats including text, CSV, Excel, Word, and PDF
- Python 3.6+
- PyQt5
- openpyxl
- python-docx
- PyPDF2
Clone this repository or download the script:
git clone https://github.com/arnauddsj/feedtext.git cd feedtext
Create a virtual environment (optional but recommended):
python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`
Install the required libraries:
pip install PyQt5 openpyxl python-docx PyPDF2 pyinstaller
Run the script using Python:
python feedtext.py
The application will open with a graphical interface. From there, you can:
- Select an input folder
- Choose an output folder (optional)
- Specify files and directories to ignore
- Click "Process Files" to start the operation
To create a standalone .app file on macOS:
Open Terminal and navigate to the directory containing your Python script:
cd /path/to/your/feedtext
Run PyInstaller with the following command:
pyinstaller --windowed feedtext.py
or if you have problems with the above command, you can try this:
pyinstaller feedtext.spec
Once the process completes, you'll find your .app file in the
The application allows you to configure the following settings through the GUI:
- Input Folder: The directory containing the files you want to combine
- Output Folder: The directory where the output .txt file will be saved (default: same as input folder)
- Ignore Files: Comma-separated list of file patterns to ignore
- Ignore Directories: Comma-separated list of directory names to ignore
The application comes with a default list of files and directories to ignore. This list covers common patterns for JavaScript, Python, Ruby/Rails, PHP, and Go projects, as well as general development artifacts.
Ignored Directories: node_modules, build, dist, .git, .svn, .hg, .idea, .vscode, tmp, temp, logs, coverage, venv, env, pycache, .pytest_cache, .mypy_cache, vendor, .bundle, public/assets, public/packs, public/system, bin, pkg
Ignored Files: *.log, *.tmp, .cache, .DS_Store, Thumbs.db, .env, .env., package-lock.json, *.svg, *.ico, *.lock, pnpm-lock.yaml, yarn.lock, *.pyc, *.pyo, *.egg-info, .python-version, Gemfile.lock, .ruby-version, composer.lock, go.sum
You can modify these lists in the application's GUI to suit your specific needs.
The output .txt file will contain the content of all processed files, with each file's content preceded by its path:
PATH: /path/to/file1.txt
[Content of file1.txt]
PATH: /path/to/file2.py
[Content of file2.py]
- If no input folder is selected, the application will display an error message.
- If no files are found in the specified directory, the application will display a message.
- Any errors encountered while processing individual files will be displayed in the application's log output.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.