Eg. #1. deploy a simple stack to create a VM and attach to an existing Volume.
NOTE: to create a new Volume, use Horizon dashboard or use CLI:
- $ nova help volume-attach
- $ nova volume-attach 'SERVER' 'VOLUME' 'DEVICE'
Eg. #2. deploy a simple stack to create a VM and a Volume to attach
Eg. #3. deploy an autoscale stack to apply
- stress a node (eg, $ cat /dev/zero > /dev/null )
- verify Ceilometer metrics
- confirm the instantiation of new nodes
- stop the stress load on the node
- confirm the stop of the instantiated nodes due to stress
ffs - deploy an AutoScale NLB with Floating IP
Obtain the 'openrc' file to connect to Openstack Openstack dashboard --> Compute tab --> Access and Security --> API Access --> Download Openstack RC file v2.0
Adapt customized parameters to your platform, eg: keypair, images, flavors
- $ nova keypair-list list
- $ openstack image list
- $ openstack flavor list
- $ openstack stack create --template deploy-vm2sp4qi.yaml SON-SP4QI
- $ openstack stack list
- $ openstack stack show
- $ openstack stack delete
- HOT guide:
- HOT specs:
- Repositories of Heat templates:
- DSL to be used with Heat: