- The popular tools (Jest and Enzyme) that we use to test React apps
- "Shallow rendering" a component
- What good React specs look
- What tests not to write
- Jest snapshots
- Jest serializers
- ...and more!
- 0.1 First, a little terminology…
- 1 The React testing ecosystem
- 1.1 A test runner
- 1.2 An assertion library
- 1.3 Testing utilities
- 2 Setup
- 2.1 Creating our app
- 2.2 The components
- 3 Writing tests
- 3.1 Smoke tests
- 3.3 Setting up context
- 3.5 "The Art of Specs" with Sun True
- 3.5.1 A quick note on TDD
- 3.6 But what about interactivity?
- 4 Simulating user interactions
- 4.1.1 Our first "user interaction"
- 4.2 The easier way: Jest Snapshots
- 4.2.1 Snapshot strategy
- 4.4 Simulating vs setState()
- 5 Putting it all together (so far)