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Deploy tools

This repository holds set of tools to automate file deployments:

  • deploy-registry — server storing files and required metadata;
  • deploy-agent — agent program running on server(s) and tracking single configuration against registry;
  • deployctl — tool to manage state of configurations stored in registry and uploading files to it;
  • deploy-from-docker — an experimental tool that allows creating configurations directly from the docker images.

Key concepts

Registry holds different configurations, each configuration usually corresponds to some project that needs to be deployed. On its target server each project is just a filesystem tree. Each configuration may include one or more layers — filesystem trees that are merged together to form a resulting configuration state. Each layer is a distinct version of a single component.

Consider the following example:

	- code @ v001
	- configs @ abc123

Here service1 is a configuration that is composed from two different components: code and configs. Each component may have multiple versions stored in registry, but single configuration only references concrete version of each component. So configuration is built from layers, which is particular versions of different components.

Data is uploaded to registry in form of .tar.gz archives holding files for particular version of single component; when consumer (deploy-agent) retrieves data for given configuration from registry, it unpacks each layer's .tar.gz file to the same directory, merging their contents.


Go is required to build this tools from source. Binary distributions are planned later.

go get -u -v

This command would install 3 binaries: deployctl, deploy-registry, deploy-agent

Registry setup

deploy-registry requires single directory to keep its files and state in (-dir flag), and two files of ssh authorized_keys format: one with operators' keys (-opauth flag), one with keys for servers/consumers (-srvauth flag). deploy-registry won't start unless each of these files have at least one key.

If directory (-dir flag) already contains host_key file, deploy-registry will try to parse it as pem-encoded ssh private key and use it as host key for built-in ssh server. If file is not found, new key would be generated and saved to this file. Key fingerprint is logged on deploy-registry start.

Commands to run deploy-registry locally:

$ DIR=$HOME/deploy-registry
$ mkdir $DIR
$ cat $HOME/.ssh/ | tee $DIR/operator.keys $DIR/service.keys
$ deploy-registry -addr localhost:2022 -dir $DIR -opauth $DIR/operator.keys -srvauth $DIR/service.keys

Managing registry

Running deploy-registry provides interface accessible via ssh/sftp protocols, so it can be used directly with ssh and sftp commands. deployctl program only provides a standalone shortcut.

Command deployctl understands two environment variables to set default registry address and host key fingerprint (copy/paste fingerprint that deploy-registry shows on its start):

$ export DEPLOYCTL_ADDR=localhost:2022

As an example, consider you want to deploy project what is built from single program and its configuration file:

$ mkdir $HOME/project1
$ echo "program body v1" >$HOME/project1/program.txt
$ echo "config v1" >$HOME/project1/config.txt

Now create two different tar.gz archives, one for component code, one for component config:

$ tar czf code_v1.tar.gz -C $HOME/project1 program.txt
$ tar czf config_v1.tar.gz -C $HOME/project1 config.txt

Now upload both files to registry:

$ echo "put code_v1.tar.gz" | sftp -P 2022 localhost
$ echo "put config_v1.tar.gz" | sftp -P 2022 localhost

Both files are now uploaded, note that destination file name is not relevant — deploy-registry server automatically stores them to temporary files that can be referenced by their content hash, not name.

Now we should create new components from uploaded files — their sha256 hashes would be required for this:

$ shasum -a 256 code_v1.tar.gz config_v1.tar.gz
71915871fbd585ab18b94956ae8b5897adbd70df5d121c83f3d3a9b0f28830c0  code_v1.tar.gz
cbccc5a8b69c622061628bd016d537aa40337a8de550f27a2012d5d634faf944  config_v1.tar.gz

Connect to deploy-registry server using standard ssh client:

$ ssh -p 2022 localhost

When presented with > prompt, enter the following commands to create two components:

> addver -name code -version v01 -hash 71915871fbd585ab18b94956ae8b5897adbd70df5d121c83f3d3a9b0f28830c0
> addver -name config -version v01 -hash cbccc5a8b69c622061628bd016d537aa40337a8de550f27a2012d5d634faf944

This created two different components: code and config, each of them now have single version. Command components shows all known components, command showcomp shows all versions of a single component:

> showcomp -name config
2017-03-01T11:23:36Z	v01

Now create new configuration project1 consisting from both code and config components:

> addconf -name project1 -layer code:v01 -layer config:v01

Notice how each -layer flag specifies both component name and its version, separated by colon.

Command configurations lists all known configurations, command showconf shows layers of specific configuration:

> showconf -name project1
code	v01	2017-03-01T11:28:18Z
config	v01	2017-03-01T11:23:36Z

Now let's create update configuration to a new version:

$ echo "config v2" >$HOME/project1/config.txt
$ tar czf config_v2.tar.gz -C $HOME/project1 config.txt

Uploading versions and adding them manually as two steps may be inconvenient, so deployctl command can do this in one step:

$ deployctl addver -name config -version v02 -file config_v2.tar.gz

Note how deployctl command arguments match deploy-registry console commands, except that -hash flag is replaced with -file.

Our project1 configuration can now be updated to second version of configs. This can either be done using deployctl:

$ deployctl changeconf -name project1 -component config -version v02

or deploy-registry console, available via ssh:

$ ssh -p 2022 localhost
> changeconf -name project1 -component config -version v02

Tracking configurations and deployment

Configuration tracking and deployment is done by deploy-agent.

Program deploy-agent uses sftp interface to deploy-registry and can be explored manually using sftp client. deploy-agent uses user name deploy-agent and registry verifies its keys against public keys in separate file.

When user deploy-agent accesses registry via sftp protocol, it has access to two directories: configs which holds each known configuration in json format, and files that holds all components' files.

Our configuration specification can be downloaded using sftp command:

$ sftp -P 2022 deploy-agent@localhost:configs/project1.json

Look at the file — notice how it contains metadata about each configuration layer and reference to file in files directory.

deploy-agent periodically polls registry server and detects updates in configuration it tracks. When changes are detected, it fetches all missing files, then creates new unique directory and unpacks each layer into this directory in the same order they are listed in configuration. After successfully unpacking data, it runs deploy script (-script flag) which is expected to do all custom actions like shutting down old service instance and start new, etc.

Script receives configuration state via the following environment variables:

  • OLDID — unique id of old configuration (may be empty if there were no old configuration, i.e. first deploy-agent run);
  • OLDROOT — path to directory where old configuration is unpacked (may be empty if there were no old configration);
  • NEWID — unique id of new configuration;
  • NEWROOT — path to directory where new configuration is unpacked;
  • STATEFILE — path to temporary file with json representation of new configuration.



Usage of deploy-registry:
  -addr string
	address to listen (default "localhost:2022")
  -deadline duration
	max.lifetime of TCP connection (default 30m0s)
  -dir string
	data directory (default "/var/lib/deploy-registry")
  -maxver int
	max.number of component versions to keep (default 10)
  -opauth string
	authorized_keys for operators (default "/etc/deploy-registry/operator.keys")
  -srvauth string
	authorized_keys for services (default "/etc/deploy-registry/service.keys")


Usage: deployctl [flags] subcommand [subcommand flags]
  -addr string
	$DEPLOYCTL_ADDR, registry host address (host:port)
  -fp string
	$DEPLOYCTL_FINGERPRINT, sha256 host key fingerprint (sha256:...)
  -key string
	ssh private key to use; if not set, ssh-agent is used


addver          add new component version from previously uploaded file
addconf         add new configuration from existing component versions
bumpconf        update single layer of configuration to most recent uploaded version
changeconf      update single layer of configuration to specific version
showconf        show configuration
showcomp        show component versions
components      list all known components
configurations  list all known configurations
delver          delete component version
delcomp         delete all component versions
delconf         delete configuration

use -h flag to get more help on a specific command


Usage of deploy-agent:
  -addr string
	registry address (host:port) (default "localhost:2022")
	remove unreferenced unpacked files after successful switch
  -dir string
	directory to store downloaded and unpacked files (default ".")
  -fp string
	registry server key fingerprint
  -key string
	ssh private key to use (default "id_ecdsa")
  -name string
	configuration to track
  -poll duration
	registry poll interval (default 30s)
  -script string
	script to run on deploys (default "./")
  -state string
	file to save state to (default "state.json")
  -v	be more chatty about what's happening