Heroku dyno auto scaler on the cheap. For use with the Heroku Scheduler addon or something cron like.
First create a new Heroku app.
Add the following add-ons to your new app:
Add your Heroku API key as a config variable:
$ heroku config:add HEROKU_API_KEY=xxx
Add a e-mail to send error reports to if the scaling fails:
$ heroku config:add ERROR_REPORT_EMAIL=hello@example.com
Go to the Heroku Sceduler config page and set up jobs to scale your dynos:
ruby heroku-scaler.rb -a dat-app -t web -d 3 # scale web dynos to 3 for the app dat-app
ruby heroku-scaler.rb -a dat-app -t worker -d 1 # scale worker dynos to 1 for the app dat-app