Frontend monitoring reporting system, designed for H5 platforms, fully functional and ready for use.
Report Trigger: When the error threshold is reached
"script error" :Uncaught JavaScript errors
export interface ScriptData { lineno: number; colno: number; error: any; }
"resource error": HTML resource loading failure (Note: This error report is not completely accurate)
export interface ResourceData { /** * Resource URL */ url: string; /** * Tag name that fetched the resource */ tagName: string; }
tips:Due to browser API triggering mechanism, these two error types cannot capture all errors completely.
'request error': XHR or fetch requests with response status code >= 400
export interface RequestData { /** * Request URL */ responseURL: string; /** * Result status text */ statusText: string; /** * Result status code */ status: number; /** * Request mode (xhr or fetch) */ mode: 'xhr' | 'fetch'; }
Report Trigger: When all performance indicators are collected and reported at once
“load”:Time when the browser's load event is triggered (time when the first screen's HTML network resources are loaded)
data: { startTime //Time triggered in milliseconds }
“first-paint”:Standard performance metric
Data: Same as above
“first-contentful-paint”:Standard performance metric
Data: Same as above
Report Trigger: When the user leaves the current URL
"footprint":User access monitoring
data:{ url,//URL visited by the user stopTime,//Time the user stayed in milliseconds depth,//Access depth from 0 to 100 }
import { Monitor,expand } from 'mini-frontend-monitor';
// Instantiate and register monitoring in object form
const monitor = new Monitor(
//Reporting callback function; all data reports go through this function and are extended by the user
function(contents) {
//Custom configurations
operate: {
// URLs excluded from monitoring; otherUrl has higher priority than onlyUrl
// When footprintOtherUrl is empty, footprintOnlyUrl will be used
footprintOtherUrl: ["xxx"],
// Only monitor specified URLs
footprintOnlyUrl: [],
// Ignore hash changes in monitoring
error: {
// Minimum number of data required for error type reporting (all remaining data will be reported before the page is closed)
scriptCollectCount: 4
//Integrate class to expand and customize monitoring reports for your project's needs
class myRport extends expand.PerformanceReport{
//Stop monitoring
mini-frontend-monitor has slightly overwritten the following browser APIs to achieve monitoring purposes
Rest assured, this has no impact on your use of native APIs. To achieve monitoring purposes, it's recommended to execute mini-frontend-monitor before other scripts.
Develop the development system using ESLint, Rollup, and TypeScript
Write unit tests using the Playwright library
Integrate and publish as a standard npm package
More monitoring data: XHR and fetch request error reporting
Add more monitoring points:
and other necessary points
Feel free to ask if you have further questions or if there's anything else you'd like to know about this project!