See the os-release documentation.
make deps # Install dependencies
make osrelease # Create the binary
Note: OSRelease
type directly supports fields as defined by the
documentation. Fields that are present but are not
explicitly part of said documentation are added in ADDITIONAL_FIELDS
When using the command line binary these fields are accesses the same
way as supported fields. When using osrelease as a library to find unsupported
) will need to be searched.
# A single field
./osrelease field ID
# A field that is not considered part of the supported set
# A field that doesn't exist
$ ./osrelease field idonotexist
$ echo $?
# In a format
./osrelease yaml
name: Fedora
version: 26 (Workstation Edition)
id: fedora
import (
func RequireFedora() error {
// The OSRelease instance using the default paths
or, err := osrelease.New(nil)
// Or to inspect the files in /sysroot
//or, err := osrelease.NewWithOverrides("/sysroot/etc/osrelease", "/tmp/someplace/usr/lib/os-release"))
// Handle the error however you see fit
if err != nil {
return err
if or.ID != "fedora" {
return errors.New("Fedora Linux is a requirement")
// Everything is fine
return nil