DCS-WABU (Weight and Balance Utility)
This is a calculator and exporter for Digital Combat Simulator (DCS).
Weight and Balance implemented for:
A-10C, F-14B, F15C, F-16C, F18C, Bf 109, Su-33, Viggen, M2000C Mirage, AV-8B Harrier, A-4E-C, and Huey.
Loadout export enabled for the Legacy F-18C. Moment Calculation for everyone!
An example of where to get the moments for the aircraft via the pylon locations is here:
DcsInstallLocation\DCS World OpenBeta\CoreMods\aircraft\FA-18C\FA-18C.lua
in the F_18C = [Pylons] section. The last digit of F_18C = (Pylons)(pylon) is the distance from center the pylon is in meters.