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Liquid Galaxy Installation
Install Ubuntu Alternate CD (I used 12.04 alternate): http://releases.ubuntu.com/
Set drive as ext4 with the following options
- typical usage = news
Set names
- Machine name (lgX) lg1, lg2, lg3...
- Real/complete name = Liquid Galaxy (or whatever you want)
- Username = lg
- Group (if asked) = galaxy (or whatever you want)
- Resulting name in shell must be > lg@lgX
Finish Installation
Label filesystems (OPTIONAL: IF YOU WANT TO CLONE)
“sudo fdisk -l” to know the name of the ext4 and swap partitions
sudo e2label /dev/sdaX “drive” (where sdaX is the ext4 partition)
sudo swaplabel /dev/sdaY -L swaplg (where sdaY is the swap partition)
sudo gedit /etc/fstab
- Change the UUID with LABEL=$label for every partition
- LABEL=drive
- LABEL=swaplg
- Change the UUID with LABEL=$label for every partition
Configure eth0 network if not DHCP (configure as needed, configure the IP range pointing to the proxyPC as a firewall if there is any, or just the same network as the router the LG is connected to)
- (Network of the proxyPC)
Gateway = (proxyPC IP)
Update ubuntu
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Use update manager
Install graphics drivers
Install needed applications
sudo apt-get install git chromium-browser nautilus
Install Google Earth
Check out Liquid Galaxy Files
as user: git clone https://code.google.com/r/asherat666-g-liquidgalaxy/
Execute install-1.sh as root
COPY FILES (use sudo nautilus and make sure to copy as root, for example: using 2 windows of nautilus with root) [SOURCE -> DEST]
- asherat666-g-liquidgalaxy/earth -> /home/lg/
- asherat666-g-liquidgalaxy/gnu_linux/home/lg/* -> /home/lg
- Edit files and folders inside /home/lg/dotfiles/* to put a “.” ahead (to hide file)
- /home/lg/dotfiles/* -> /home/lg
- asherat666-g-liquidgalaxy/gnu_linux/[etc,patches,sbin] -> /
Execute install-2.sh as root
Configure SSH
FIRST NODE INSTALLED: Create new ssh keys by executing tools/clean-ssh.sh as root (Blank passphrases)
OTHER NODES: Copy the ssh folders from the ssh-configured node to the other nodes as root:
- /etc/ssh
- ~/.ssh
- /root/.ssh
Execute install-ssh.sh as root
Edit earth/builds/latest/googleearth as root and add the next line just before the last line of the file.
export LC_NUMERIC=en_US.UTF-8
edit earth/scripts/run-earth-bin.sh (if needed)
Edit the next line's screen size or delete it enterely.
- (DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/xdotool mousemove -screen 0 1910 1190) [depending on LG screen's setup]
Hide Left Panel
- System Settings -> Appearance -> Behaviour
Change Brightness & Lock to not lock the screen
Add the next lines to /etc/X11/xorg.conf to force awake status:
Section "ServerFlags"
Option "blanktime" "0"
Option "standbytime" "0"
Option "suspendtime" "0"
Option "offtime" "0"
- Change galaxy distribution: /home/lg/etc/shell.conf & /home/lg/personavars.txt (if needed)
- Set to execute startup-script at login
- Open Apps at login
- Add: bash /home/lg/bin/startup-script.sh
- [Clone drive|liquid-galaxy-installation#clone-drive]
- If master -> Master additional configuration
- Personalize PC’s
- Execute /home/lg/bin/personality.sh X as root, where X is the machine number)
- Master = 1
- Slaves are set in clockwise (lg4 lg5 lg1 lg2 lg3)
- Reboot
- Start machines to clone with LiveCD
- (Receiving) Rx machine - the one where the clone goes to
- sudo chmod 777 /dev/sda
- Install Pipe viewer
- Download .RPM
- sudo apt-get install alien
- sudo alien pv-1.6.X.rpm
- double-click generated.deb
- netcat -l -p 4778 | pv | dd of=/dev/sda
- (Transmissor) Tx machine - the one to be cloned
- chmod 777 /dev/sda
- dd if=/dev/sda | netcat 192.168.0.X 4778 (use for broadcast)
- Edit /etc/udev/rules/70-persistent-net.rules and delete what's inside to avoid having duplicated eth0
- apt-get install php5 php5-cgi libapache2-mod-php5
- /* (ADDITIONAL and NOT MANDATORY) sudo apt-get install librsvg2-bin (.svg) build-essential (crear .deb) graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat (lg-anim) */
- Install SpaceNavigator http://code.google.com/p/liquid-galaxy/wiki/LinuxSpaceNavigator
- Linux: Use NO DRIVERS. It should be running fine!
- If it doesn’t work, try to edit driver.ini to erase the sensitivity parameters
- You may want to do it permanently, so edit the drivers_template
- If it still doesn’t work configure Google Earth to accept external cursors
- (OPTIONAL) Install MultiBoxing to control all computers with the same mouse+keyboard
- http://synergy-foss.org/es/
- edit /etc/iptables.conf to add the port 24800
- use my file in GDrive /etc/synergy.conf (OPTIONAL)
- Install php-interface
- Copy php-interface or php-interface-benchmarking in /var/www
- Execute "chown root:root /home/lg/chown_tmp_query; chmod +s /home/lg/chown_tmp_query" as root
Liquid Galaxy is waiting for 3 signals before logging into Ubuntu: have an IP, personavars.txt exists, Squid is on If by some reason the Liquid Galaxy doesn't start, you can force it by sending "initctl emit galaxy-ok" as root. This may come in handy when you moved your LG and your network config doesn't work anymore.