A skeleton for creating applications with CakePHP 3.x.
The framework source code can be found here: cakephp/cakephp.
- Download Composer or update
composer self-update
. - Run
php composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app [app_name]
bin\cake bake plugin UserManager
----------------------------- Create Migraqtion Files -----------------------------
bin\cake bake migration -p UserManager createUsers first_name:string[100] last_name:string[50] mobile:string[15] dob:date email:string[180]:unique:EMAIL_INDEX password:string[255] profile_photo:string status:boolean is_verified:boolean login_count:integer created modified
bin\cake bake migration -p UserManager createAccountTypes title:string[100] created modified
bin\cake bake migration -p UserManager createUsersAccountTypes user_id:integer[5]:INDEX account_type_id:integer[11]:INDEX
bin\cake bake migration -p UserManager AddFakePassToUsers fake_pass:string[250]
----------------------------- //Create Migraqtion Files -----------------------------
bin\cake migrations migrate -p UserManager
bin\cake bake all --plugin UserManager account_types --prefix admin -t BackEnd (this command use when you create new plugin)
bin\cake bake all --plugin UserManager users --prefix admin -t BackEnd (this command use when you create new plugin)
bin\cake bake seed AccountTypes --plugin UserManager (this command use when you create new plugin)
bin\cake bake seed Users --plugin UserManager (this command use when you create new plugin)
bin\cake bake seed UsersAccountTypes --plugin UserManager (this command use when you create new plugin)
bin\cake migrations seed --seed AccountTypesSeed --plugin UserManager
bin\cake migrations seed --seed UsersSeed --plugin UserManager
bin\cake migrations seed --seed UsersAccountTypesSeed --plugin UserManager
bin\cake migrations seed --seed UserImagesSeed --plugin UserManager
bin\cake migrations rollback -p UserManager