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Model predictive controller for controlling a self-driving car


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Model Predictive Controller

Controller for a self-driving car's steering and throttle commands.


This project is part of Udacity's Self-Driving Car Nanodegree program. The purpose of this project is to build a Model Predictive Controller (MPC). The controller is tested on an Udacity simulator, which provides cross-track error (CTE), speed and steering angle data via a websocket connection. The car drives autonomously around the simulator track by using steering and throttle commands from the MPC.


Build and Run Instructions

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Scripts provided in this repo could be used in the following order to build and run the PID controller.
./  # Cleans any existing build and builds the MPC.
./    # Runs the MPC; connects to the simulator via uWebSockets.


This section discusses how the controller was set up, including some of its parameters like time-horizon, time-step-length, etc.

Controller Model

For setting up an MPC we'd require a dynamic-model which can predict the trajectory of the vehicle, given its current state.

The state of the vehicle consists of the following variables.

1. 2D location coordinates : x and y
2. Orientation or Heading : psi
3. Speed : v
4. Cross track error : cte
5. Error in orientation : epsi

Control inputs (actuators) include:

1. Steering-angle : delta
2. Throttle and brake : a

Given the above state and actuators formulation, we use a simple kinematics model to predict the next state(s) of the vehicle. Please note that we aren't using a complex dynamics model which would consider factors like the forces (lateral, longitudinal) acting between the tyres and the road. Kinematics model equations that we use are given below.

  • xt+1 = xt + (vt * cos(psit) * dt)
  • yt+1 = yt + (vt * sin(psit) * dt)
  • psit+1 = psit + (vt * deltat * dt / Lf)
  • vt+1 = vt + at * dt
  • ctet+1 = f(xt) - yt + (vt * sin(epsit) * dt)
  • epsit+1 = epsit - (psiDesiredt) + (vt * deltat * dt / Lf)

In the above equations,

  • f(x<sub>t</sub>) is the function, in this case a 3rd degree polynomial, which fits over the given waypoints. Typically these waypoints are supplied by a path-planning algorithm; in this project they're provided by the simulator.
  • dt denotes the time-interval between two consecutive steps in the time-horizon as discussed in section here.
  • L<sub>f</sub> is the shortest distance from the center-of-gravity of the vehicle to its front axle.
  • psiDesired is the desired steering-angle based on the input waypoints given to the controller.

As with any other model, MPC has an objective with a set of constraints. Objective for MPC here is to find the optimal steering and throttle command, with the below constraints.

  1. State based constraints : Cross track error (CTE), orientation error (epsi), and a penalty if the vehicle slows down below a reference velocity (set to 100). Please refer to statement lines 39 to 43 in src/MPC.cpp, which shows their squared-sum error values accumulated in the constraints.

  2. Actuator constraints : Shown in lines 46 to 49 in src/ is the costs associated with actuators i.e. steering-angle delta and throttle a.

  3. Abrupt actuator constraints : For producing a smooth transition between actuations, we penalize consecutive actuations as given in statements in src/MPC.cpp lines 52 to 55.

Tuning the controller parameters

For the MPC to work, we've to tune few parameters applicable to the time-horizon and how fast we want the model to predict/control the trajectory. Two such parameters are the time-step length (N) and time-step interval (dt). In this project we set them to 10 and 0.1 (in seconds) respectively after bit of trial and error compensating for how fast the commands (steering-angle and throttle) are propagated to the simulated vehicle and how quickly those actions take place.

MPC preprocessing and Polynomial fitting

When the waypoints are supplied to the MPC, they're transformed to suit the vehicle's coordinates. In this project, only the orientation/heading angle has to reversed and the 2D coordinate points transformed accordingly. Statements in src/main.cpp lines 100 to 106 apply this transformation.

A third-degree polynomial is fitted to the input waypoints, as shown in line here. This polynomial's coefficients are used for:

  • Finding the CTE and epsi.
  • Solving for finding the predicted trajectory.

Model Predictive Control with Latency

Often it happens that a certain amount of latency exists between the time when actuator commands are supplied to the vehicle and the time when they're actually executed. The latency associated with the simulator in this project is 100 milliseconds. This latency is compensated for in the controller when we initialize the state with the delay interval, based on kinematics model discussed above, as shown src/main.cpp lines 123 to 128.