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Docker image for running automated deployments

This Image is designed to make CI runs out of CircleCI (or similar) an easier prospect. It includes the Terraform, Vault, and Consul binaries, as well as a number of helper scripts to auth to vault, and extract secrets for use by Terraform.


We've bundled a number of helpers.

  • set-vault-token - This helper authenticated to a vault server defined by VAULT_ADDR and places the token in $HOME/.vault-token
  • get-iam-auth - Helper for outputting $HOME/.aws/credentials for use by the terraform aws provider. In Addition this stores the lease_id in $HOME/.env for use later by lease-revoke
  • lease-revoke - Helper for revoking vault leases sourced in from .env files
  • get-consul-kv - Get a plain test value out of Consul KV requires the Consul prefix (no leading slash) as the first Argument ex: get-consul-kv foo/bar
  • put-consul-kv- Put a plain text value into the Consul KV requires the Consul path (no leading slash) as the first Argument and required the value of the prefix. Value can either be "value" or an input file if in the formate of @input-file-name ex: put-consul-kv foo/bar baz OR put-consul-kv foo/bar @input-file
  • get-vault-kv - Get a value from the Vault KV, requires the Vault KV prefix as the first argument, and optionally takes a parameter in the second position as the key name. (defaults to "value") ex: get-vault-kv secret/foo bar

Environment Variables

  • VAULT_ADDR - Address of the Vault server expressed as a URL and port, ex: `VAULT_ADDR=""``
  • VAULT_PAYLOAD - AppRole payload to auth to vault `VAULT_PAYLOAD='{"role_id":"<ROLE_ID>","secret_id":"<SECRET_ID>"}'``
  • VAULT_AWS_SECRET_ENGINE_ROLE - Role name to pass to the AWS Secret Engine

Adding Tests

You can add tests by running goss add <type> <thing> and then adding that Yaml file to the tests directory, or updating the existing goss.yaml file if one exists. More informaiton about Goss tests can be found here: