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An event scheduler designed for asyncgui programs.

First, take a look at the callback-style code below that has nothing to do with asyncgui. If you've ever used Kivy or Pyglet, you may find it familiar.

from asyncgui_ext.clock import Clock

clock = Clock()

# Schedules a function to be called after a delay of 20 time units.
clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: print("Hello"), 20)

# Advances the clock by 10 time units.

# The clock advanced by a total of 20 time units.
# The callback function will be called.
clock.tick(10)  # => Hello

Next one is async/await-style code that involves asyncgui, and does the same thing as the previous.

import asyncgui
from asyncgui_ext.clock import Clock, sleep

clock = Clock()

async def async_fn():
    await sleep(clock, 20)

clock.tick(10)  # => Hello

These two examples effectively illustrate how this module works but they are not practical. In a real-world program, you probably want to call clock.tick() in a loop or schedule it to be called repeatedly using another scheduling API. For example, if you are using PyGame, you may want to do:

clock = pygame.time.Clock()
vclock = asyncgui_ext.clock.Clock()

# main loop
while running:

    dt = clock.tick(fps)

And if you are using Kivy, you may want to do:

from kivy.clock import Clock

vclock = asyncui_ext.clock.Clock()
Clock.schedule_interval(vclock.tick, 0)


Pin the minor version.

poetry add asyncgui-ext-clock@~0.2
pip install "asyncgui-ext-clock>=0.2,<0.3"

Tested on

  • CPython 3.10
  • CPython 3.11
  • CPython 3.12
