This small project is a very simple AWS API Gateway custom authorizer using eg. Auth0.
It utilizes JWT, which is verified only by checking the signing key, in an RS256-encryption method.
To use the custom authorizer you must:
I used Auth0. Get a free account here:
From Auth0, a JWK can be found here:
The JWK can be translated to a PEM with eg. An example of this is in jwkToPem.js
. Save this in public.pem
Install dependencies with npm install
Create zip-package: zip -r auth0-lambda-authorizer .
Using the AWS Console, create a new Lambda function and upload the zip-package as the function.
Using the AWS Console, the custom authorizer can be made in the API Gateway. Remember to refer to the previously created Lambda function.
Obtain a JWT from your authentication provider. At Auth0, this can be used:
"client_id": client_id from auth0,
"username": email address registered to user at auth0,
"password": users password,
"connection": "Username-Password-Authentication",
"scope": "openid"