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A Haskell implementation of Bland's finite pivoting method, over Rationals


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Simplical Optimization

The Simplex Method is a canonical algorithm for linear programming and optimization. Usually implemented with Bland's Finite Pivoting Method, this algorithm has been shown to be pseudo-finite terminating, by showing that it avoids cycles (see Bland's original paper for more details). This is an implementation of the algorithm in pure Haskell - to both show its feasability, and practicality as obviously correct.


Creating Linear Expressions

We treat linear expressions particularly - specifically in standard form, such that sets of variables and their coefficients are mappings between the variable name and coefficient value: name => coeff; thus a linear expression could be designed as the pair (name => coeff, const). This is exemplified under the LinExpr data type.

Likewise, we imagine inequalities as the same structure, but with an additional tag representing it's constraint type:

ineq := equality -- =
      | ltequal  -- <=
      | gtequal  -- >=

Such that we imagine the variables on the left, and the constant on the right. Thus, an inequality is the triple (ineq, name => coeff, const).

Creating Constraint Sets

There is some machinery we need to account for internally in the algorithm; particularly in that the simplex method only operates on positive variables, which is rarely desires. So, we use a state monad to build a tableau which stores our constraints incrementally, while keeping track of the details.

myConstraints :: MonadState Tableau m => m ()
myConstraints = do
  addConstraint ineq1
  addConstraint ineq2
  addConstraint ineq3

Then, to get the underlying Tableau, we need to run the state monad, supplying an initial Tableau via newTableau (where we also need an objective function / cost function):

myTableau :: Tableau
myTableau = execState myConstraints (newTableau objectiveIneq)

Now we can get to optimization!

Optimization and Solutions

The tableau contains enough data to start optimizing. To kick the algorithm into gear, just run primalSimplex over the beast:

myOptimizedTableau :: Tableau
myOptimizedTableau = primalSimplex myTableau

Then you can peek at the supposedly optimal solution via solution:

mySolution :: Map MainVarName Rational
mySolution = solution myOptimizedTableau

This should be optimal such that all other feasible solutions are less than or equal to this optimal solution.

How to run tests

stack test


  • generate a convext polytope as the initial (solvable) constraint set


A Haskell implementation of Bland's finite pivoting method, over Rationals







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