API to fetch latest videos sorted in reverse chronological order of their publishing date-time from YouTube for a given tag/search query in a paginated response.
- Get the youtube video metadata(title, description, publishing datetime, thumbnails URLs, etc.) using the Youtube Data API in a goroutine.
- Store the metadata in a database.
- Create an API to fetch the metadata from the database in a paginated response sorted in reverse chronological order of publishing datetime.
- Golang : supports concurrency and is fast
- GoFiber : fast and lightweight web framework
- Postgres : fast and reliable relational database
Ensure Go and Postgres are installed
Ensure the Postgres server is running and the database that you want to use is created
Clone the repository
Copy the
file to.env
and update the values- Pro tip: Supply multiple API KEYs as a comma separated values to avoid hitting the quota limit
Build and run the application
go build -o ./build/main && ./build/main
- You can optionally pass the query tag as a command line argument, the default is
go build -o ./build/main && ./build/main cricket
GET /search
: Gets the paginated list of videos sorted in reverse chronological order of publishing datetime- Query parameters
: page numberlimit
: number of videos per page
- Query parameters