Array manipulation library for Clojure with "sweet" array type notation and more safety by static types
Clojure has built-in support for Java arrays and provides a set of
facilities for manipulating them, including make-array
, aget
, aset
and so on.
However, some of their difficulties like the following tend to lead users to
write verbose or unexpectedly inefficient code:
- Need to use different constructor functions for different types and dimensionalities
- Clojure compiler sometimes does not know the static type of arrays and may emit inefficient bytecode (especially for multi-dimensional arrays)
- Array type hints tend to be cryptic (e.g.
, etc.) and can occasionally be quite hard for humans to write manually- Array class syntax introduced in Clojure 1.12 have mitigated this issue to some extent
These issues have been pointed out by various Clojurians out there in the past:
- Taming multidim Arrays by Christophe Grand (@cgrand)
- Java arrays and unchecked math by Clojure Goes Fast
- CLJ-1289: aset-* and aget perform poorly on multi-dimensional arrays even with type hints
aims to provide solutions for them. Contretely:
- It defines array type descriptors, a concise and intuitive array type notation, and provides a generic array constructor which can be used for any types and dimensionalities
- The array constructors in the library maintain the static type of arrays, which reduces the cases where users have to add type hints manually
- The array operators in the library automatically infer the resulting array type, so even multi-dimensional arrays can be handled efficiently
As a result, we can write code like the following using sweet-array
;; Example of multiplying two arrays as matrices
(require '[sweet-array.core :as sa])
(sa/def a (sa/new [[double]] [[1.0 2.0] [3.0 4.0]]))
(sa/def b (sa/new [[double]] [[5.0 6.0] [7.0 8.0]]))
(let [nrows (alength a)
ncols (alength (sa/aget b 0))
n (alength b)
c (sa/new [[double]] nrows ncols)]
(dotimes [i nrows]
(dotimes [j ncols]
(dotimes [k n]
(sa/aset c i j
(+ (* (sa/aget a i k)
(sa/aget b k j))
(sa/aget c i j))))))
Instead of:
(def ^double/2 a (into-array [(double-array [1.0 2.0]) (double-array [3.0 4.0])]))
(def ^double/2 b (into-array [(double-array [5.0 6.0]) (double-array [7.0 8.0])]))
(let [nrows (alength a)
ncols (alength ^double/1 (aget b 0))
n (alength b)
^double/2 c (make-array Double/TYPE nrows ncols)]
(dotimes [i nrows]
(dotimes [j ncols]
(dotimes [k n]
(aset ^double/1 (aget c i) j
(+ (* (aget ^double/1 (aget a i) k)
(aget ^double/1 (aget b k) j))
(aget ^double/1 (aget c i) j))))))
Note that all the type hints in this code are mandatory to make it run as fast as the above one with sweet-array
Add the following to your deps.edn
/ project.clj
{dev.athos/sweet-array {:mvn/version "0.2.0"}}
[dev.athos/sweet-array "0.2.0"]
The simplest way to create an array using this library is to use
the sweet-array.core/new
macro. The new
macro is a generic array constructor
which can be used to create both primitive and reference type arrays:
(require '[sweet-array.core :as sa])
(def xs (sa/new [int] 3))
(class xs) ;=> int/1, which means int array type
(alength xs) ;=> 3
(def ys (sa/new [String] 5))
(class ys) ;=> [Ljava.lang.String;, which means String array type
(alength ys) ;=> 5
The first argument of the new
macro is what we call an array type descriptor.
See the Array type notation section for more details, but roughly speaking,
an array type descriptor [T]
denotes an array type whose component type is T
(e.g. [int]
denotes the int array type and [String]
denotes the String array type).
The new
macro can also be used to create multi-dimensional arrays.
The following example creates a two-dimensional int array:
(def arr (sa/new [[int]] 2 3))
(class arr) ;=> int/2, which means 2-d int array type
(alength arr) ;=> 2
(alength (aget arr 0)) ;=> 3
In general, (sa/new [[T]] n1 n2)
produces a 2-d array of type T
of size n1
and (sa/new [[[T]]] n1 n2 n3)
produces a 3-d array of type T
of size n1
and so on.
For primitive types, T
can also be represented as a keyword instead of a bare symbol
(as in [:int]
or [[:double]]
). This is useful to avoid issues with automatic
namespace qualification in the syntax quote and false alerts reported by the linter.
Since 0.3.0, array class syntax introduced in Clojure 1.12 can be used interchangeably with array type descriptors anywhere within the library:
(def arr1 (sa/new String/1 5))
(class arr1) ;=> java.lang.String/1
(def arr2 (sa/new int/2 2 3))
(class arr2) ;=> int/2
The new
macro provides another syntax to create an array enumerating
the initial elements. (sa/new [T] [e1 e2 ... ek])
creates an array
initialized with the elements e1
, e2
, ..., ek
(def arr (sa/new [int] [1 2 3]))
(alength arr) ;=> 3
[(aget arr 0) (aget arr 1) (aget arr 2)] ;=> [1 2 3]
In general, (sa/new [T] [e1 e2 ... ek])
is equivalent to:
(doto (sa/new [T] k)
(aset 0 e1)
(aset 1 e2)
(aset (- k 1) ek))
This form can be used to initialize arrays of any dimensionality:
;; 2-d double array
(sa/new [[double]] [[1.0 2.0] [3.0 4.0]])
;; 3-d boolean array
(sa/new [[[boolean]]]
[[[true false] [false true]]
[[false true] [true false]]]
When initializing multi-dimensional arrays, the init expression for each element may itself be an array or an expression that evaluates to an array:
(def xs (sa/new [double] [1.0 2.0]))
(def ys (sa/new [double] [3.0 4.0]))
(sa/new [[double]] [xs ys])
Another way to create an array is to use the sweet-array.core/into-array
(require '[sweet-array.core :as sa])
(def arr (sa/into-array [int] (range 10)))
(class arr) ;=> int/1
(alength arr) ;=> 10
Like clojure.core/into-array
, sa/into-array
converts an existing collection
(Seqable) into an array. Unlike clojure.core/into-array
, the resulting array
type is specified with the array type descriptor as the first argument.
can also be used to create multi-dimensional arrays:
(def arr' (sa/into-array [[int]] (partition 2 (range 10))))
(class arr') ;=> int/2
[(aget arr' 0 0) (aget arr' 0 1) (aget arr' 1 0) (aget arr' 1 1)]
;=> [0 1 2 3]
The sa/into-array
macro optionally takes a transducer.
This form is inspired by and therefore analogous to (into to xform from)
That is, the transducer xform
as the second argument will be applied
while converting the collection into an array:
(def arr (sa/into-array [int] (filter even?) (range 10)))
(alength arr) ;=> 5
[(aget arr 0) (aget arr 1) (aget arr 2)] ;=> [0 2 4]
This is especially useful to do transformations that increase or decrease the dimensionality of an array:
;; 1-d to 2-d conversion
(sa/into-array [[int]] (partition-all 2) (sa/new [int] [1 2 3 4]))
;; 2-d to 1-d conversion
(sa/into-array [double] cat (sa/new [[double]] [[1.0 2.0] [3.0 4.0]]))
Since 0.2.0, sweet-array
provides its own version of the def
It can be used as a drop-in replacement of Clojure's def
. Unlike the ordinary
form, it infers the static type of init
and implicitly adds the inferred
Using the def
macro together with other macros from this library, it's hardly
necessary to add a type hint explicitly:
(sa/def arr (sa/new [int] [1 2 3]))
(:tag (meta #arr))
;=> [I
Note that the def
macro will throw an error at expansion time if the type of
the init
expression cannot be inferred or the inferred type is not an array
(sa/def arr (identity (sa/new [int] [1 2 3])))
;; Syntax error macroexpanding sweet-array.core/def* at (REPL:1:1).
;; Can't infer the static type of (identity (sa/new [int] [1 2 3])). Use `sweet-array.core/cast` to explicitly specify the array type or use `def` instead.
(sa/def arr 42)
;; Syntax error macroexpanding sweet-array.core/def* at (REPL:1:1).
;; Can't use sweet-array.core/def for 42, which is long, not array
provides its own version of aget
/ aset
for indexing arrays.
They work almost the same way as aget
/ aset
defined in clojure.core
(require '[sweet-array.core :as sa])
(sa/def arr (sa/new [int] [1 2 3 4 5]))
(sa/aget arr 2) ;=> 3
(sa/aset arr 2 42)
(sa/aget arr 2) ;=> 42
Of course, they can also be used for multi-dimensional arrays as
& aset
(sa/def arr (sa/new [double] [[1.0 2.0] [3.0 4.0]]))
(sa/aget arr 1 1) ;=> 4.0
(sa/aset arr 1 1 42)
(sa/aget arr 1 1) ;=> 42
The difference is that sa/aget
and sa/aset
infer the static type of their
first argument and utilize it for several purposes as follows.
In a nutshell, they are safer and faster:
- Static type checking for the array argument
- If the type inference fails, they will fall back to
and emit an reflection warning(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) (fn [arr] (sa/aget arr 0)) ;; Reflection warning, ... - call to static method aget on clojure.lang.RT can't be resolved (argument types: unknown, int). (fn [arr] (sa/aget arr 0 0)) ;; Reflection warning, ... - type of first argument for aget cannot be inferred
- If the type inference succeeds but the inferred type of the first argument is not an array type, then they will raise a compile-time error
(sa/aget "I'm a string" 0) ;; Syntax error macroexpanding sweet-array.core/aget* at ... ;; Can't apply aget to "I'm a string", which is java.lang.String, not array
- If more indices are passed to them than the inferred array type expects, then they will raise a compile-time error
(sa/aget (sa/new [int] 3) 0 1 2) ;; Syntax error macroexpanding sweet-array.core/aget* at ... ;; Can't apply aget to (sa/new [int] 3) with more than 1 index(es)
- If the type inference fails, they will fall back to
- Faster access to multi-dimensional arrays by automatic type hint insertion
know that indexing[T]
once results in the typeT
, and automatically insert obvious type hints to the expanded form, which reduces the cases where one has to add type hints manually(require '[criterium.core :as cr]) (sa/def arr (sa/into-array [[int]] (map (fn [i] (map (fn [j] (* i j)) (range 10))) (range 10))) (cr/quick-bench (dotimes [i 10] (dotimes [j 10] (aget arr i j)))) ;; Evaluation count : 792 in 6 samples of 132 calls. ;; Execution time mean : 910.441562 µs ;; Execution time std-deviation : 170.924552 µs ;; Execution time lower quantile : 758.037129 µs ( 2.5%) ;; Execution time upper quantile : 1.151744 ms (97.5%) ;; Overhead used : 8.143474 ns ;; The above result is way too slow due to unrecognizable reflection ;; To avoid this slowness, you'll need to add type hints yourself (cr/quick-bench (dotimes [i 10] (dotimes [j 10] (aget ^ints (aget arr i) j)))) ;; Evaluation count : 4122636 in 6 samples of 687106 calls. ;; Execution time mean : 139.098679 ns ;; Execution time std-deviation : 2.387043 ns ;; Execution time lower quantile : 136.235737 ns ( 2.5%) ;; Execution time upper quantile : 142.183007 ns (97.5%) ;; Overhead used : 8.143474 ns ;; Using `sa/aget`, you can simply write as follows: (cr/quick-bench (dotimes [i 10] (dotimes [j 10] (sa/aget arr i j)))) ;; Evaluation count : 5000448 in 6 samples of 833408 calls. ;; Execution time mean : 113.195074 ns ;; Execution time std-deviation : 4.641354 ns ;; Execution time lower quantile : 108.656324 ns ( 2.5%) ;; Execution time upper quantile : 119.427431 ns (97.5%) ;; Overhead used : 8.143474 ns
also provides several utilities that are useful for dealing with
array types.
The sweet-array.core/type
macro is convenient to reify an array type object
represented with an array type descriptor:
(require '[sweet-array.core :as sa])
(sa/type [int]) ;=> int/1
(sa/type [String]) ;=> java.lang.String/1
(sa/type [[double]]) ;=> double/2
It is recommended to use the array class syntax instead of the type
when using Clojure 1.12 or later.
The sweet-array.core/instance?
macro is a predicate to check if a given value is
of the specified array type:
(sa/instance? [int] (sa/new [int] [1 2 3])) ;=> true
(sa/instance? [Object] (sa/new [int] [1 2 3])) ;=> false
(sa/instance? [String] "foo") ;=> false
(sa/instance? [T] expr)
is just syntactic sugar for (instance? (sa/type [T]) expr)
The sweet-array.core/cast
macro is for coercing an expression to the specified
array type. It's useful for resolving reflection warnings when some expression
cannot be type-inferred:
(defn make-array [n] (sa/new [int] n))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(sa/aget (make-array 3) 0)
;; Reflection warning, ... - call to static method aget on clojure.lang.RT can't be resolved (argument types: unknown, int).
;=> 0
(sa/aget (sa/cast [int] (make-array 3)) 0)
;=> 0
Note that sa/cast
only has the compile-time effect, and does nothing else at runtime.
For those who want to radically eliminate cryptic array type hints (e.g. ^"[I"
and ^"[Ljava.lang.String;"
) from your code, sweet-array
provides reader syntax
that can be used as a replacement for them.
By prefixing #sweet/tag
, you can write an array type descriptor as a type hint:
(defn ^#sweet/tag [String] select-randomly [^#sweet/tag [[String]] arr]
(sa/aget arr (rand-int (alength arr))))
This code compiles without any reflection warning, just as with:
(defn ^"[Ljava.lang.String;" select-randomly [^"[[Ljava.lang.String;" arr]
(sa/aget arr (rand-int (alength arr))))
It is recommended to use the array class syntax instead of the #sweet/tag
type hint when using Clojure 1.12 or later.
adopts what we call array type descriptors to denote array types
throughout the library. Following is the definition of sweet-array
array type descriptors:
<array type descriptor> ::= '[' + <component type> + ']'
| <array type alias>
| <symbolic array type>
<component type> ::= <primitive type name>
| <reference type name>
| <array type descriptor>
<primitive type name> ::= <symbol primitive type name>
| <keyword primitive type name>
<symbol primitive type name> ::= 'boolean'
| 'byte'
| 'char'
| 'short'
| 'int'
| 'long'
| 'float'
| 'double'
<keyword primitive type name> ::= ':' + <symbol primitive type name>
<reference type name> ::= any valid class or interface name
<array type alias> ::= <symbol array type alias>
| <keyword array type alias>
<symbol array type alias> ::= 'booleans'
| 'bytes'
| 'shorts'
| 'ints'
| 'longs'
| 'floats'
| 'doubles'
| 'objects'
<keyword array type alias> ::= ':' + <symbol array type alias>
<symbolic array type> ::= <symbol primitive type name> + '/' + <num of dimensions>
| <reference type name> + '/' + <num of dimensions>
<num of dimesions> ::= '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'
An array type descriptor [T]
denotes an array whose component type is T
The component type itself may be an array type. For instance, [[T]]
the two-dimensional array type of T
, [[[T]]]
denotes the three-dimensional
array type of T
, and so on.
Both array type aliases (e.g. ints
and doubles
) and array class syntax introduced
in Clojure 1.12 (e.g. int/1
and String/2
) may also be used as array type
descriptors. They are completely interchangeable with their corresponding array type
descriptor: ints
and int/1
are equivalent to [int]
, and [doubles]
are equivalent to [[double]]
, and so on.
Copyright © 2021 Shogo Ohta
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at