Run pod install
and open xcworkspace
to build the preoject
I started the project by understanding the design and the flow. The first problem I faced here because the data for some parts of the design were missing. I put some placeholders and random data there.
The images were also very big and I had to create a func resizeImage(size: CGSize) -> UIImage
to make the images smaller, otherwise the layout gets messed up.
First I implemented the logic part and then the UI of the application
I used MVVM architecture in the project. For navigation I used flow controllers. The project was started from our company project skeleton with some helper classes already provided
- Logic - communication with api, data handling and storage
- User Interface:
- Component - childs of basic UI componens
- Flows - flow controller and its contents
- RestBird - Lightweight, stateless REST network manager over the Codable protocol built upon Alamofire and I used to make the api request.
- Kingfisher - loading images easily
- RxSwift - communication between data handlers -> view models and view models -> UI
- - generates code from localizable strings, assets and colors
It took me a little more than 1 day.