A collection of ready-made Steering Behaviours for Unity games, using Pure ECS, the Job system and the Burst compiler.
All logic is handled via systems and jobs, and as such no MonoBehaviour are used.
This library is very early in development, and as such not ready for use in production.
If you're not using Dots, take a look at the traditional SteeringLib here: https://github.com/attilioHimeki/unity-steering-lib
I'm developing this library using Unity 2019.3.1f1, Entities 0.8.0-preview.8, Jobs 0.2.8-preview.3, and Burst 1.3.0-preview.9.
As DOTS is changing really fast, this library may not compile or run if your configuration is different.
While I'm mostly using this for internal development, you're more than welcome to use this in your Unity project when it's ready, following the conditions and limitations specified in the LICENSE. Also, while not necessary, please make sure to credit me and help spread this library.