NPM Package to retrieve worldometers' live statistics of the Covid-19 pandemic. Scraper of worldometers.
This packages uses web scraping to retrieve the statistical information. This could potentially mean a copyright infringement and be criminally prosecuted. The scraped information belongs to Worldometers and its sources. Use at your own risk.
Just import the module and run getStats()
const covid19 = requiere('covid19-stats');
let stats = await covid19.getStats();
returns an array containing the stats by country. The countries are named as listed in worldometers.
country: 'WORLD',
totalCases: 218420,
newCases: 20189,
totalDeaths: 8938,
newDeaths: 960,
country: 'USA',
totalCases: 3695025,
You can also get the data of a specific country.
let usa = await covid19.getCountry('usa');
returns an object containing the information of the desired country. The countries are named as listed in worldometers.
country: 'USA',
totalCases: 3695025,