A place to put my .files
Vim is my editor of choice and this config file has been passed from generation to generation. Well, just me for now. Some features of it that I'm slightly proud of:
- Arrow keys are disabled. You get a lot faster at moving with hjkl when you disable these.
- Sane tab settings: 4 spaces per tab, except for JavaScript and Ruby code. Makefiles still use tabs.
- gvim options to get rid of the ugly toolbar that looks like it was included in Windows 3.1
- Strips trailing whitespace on save.
Also, here are the plugins that I use:
- pathogen
- NERDTree
- syntastic
- vim-colors-solarized
- web-indent
My zsh settings are pretty boring. I'm still using robbyrussell.
I keep forgetting how to set my HTTP/HTTPS proxy settings, so they are set to the empty string so they get ignored.