This is the source code for my blog,
Heavily inspired by blug by, this blog leverages atproto as its data store.
It is currently a ✨ work in progress ✨.
- Map rkeys to human-readable strings in the route
- Build an admin interface, including composer and basic CRUD operations.
- RSS Feed Support
- Add auth to the admin routes.
- Add support for uploading images
- Add support for uploading/embedding videos
- Caching and url rewrite for blob uploads
- Generic blob file support (e.g., gists/dotfiles)
- Add support for comments as replies/interactions on atproto links.
- Add tagging/filtering support (may require lexicon rewrite)
- Maybe factor out the theme/css so that people could use this as a template?
- Add OpenTelemetry support (tracing, metrics, events)