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git clone
cd AutoRL-Landscape

conda env create -f env-setup.yaml
conda activate autorl-landscape
pip install -e . # install the executable of this repository into the newly made environment

Additional dependency for Mujoco

The environments require Mujoco which needs to be installed in addition to the python bindings. You can find installation info here.

Additional dependency for phases ana modalities ...

The modality analysis uses python3-libfolding, which depends on the C++ library libfolding. This extra dependency may be installed from source.

Additional OpenGL dependency

The environment does not provide an OpenGL header file. A workaround is to softlink the system installation as described in env-setup.yaml.


Code can be run through the phases command line interface. Before use, wandb may need to be set up to allow for data to be uploaded to the user's account.

When running (phases run) experiments, run data is uploaded to wandb as configured by the command arguments. The wandb project should be unique per invocation of phases run for easy access of the datasets through phases dl.

Usage examples:

# Commands used to create the final datasets:
phases run combo=dqn_cartpole ls=dqn slurm=local phases=150k    num_confs=128 num_seeds=5 wandb.entity=entity_name wandb.project=project_name wandb.experiment_tag=experiment_tag
phases run combo=sac_hopper   ls=sac slurm=local phases=500k_4  num_confs=128 num_seeds=5 wandb.entity=entity_name wandb.project=project_name wandb.experiment_tag=experiment_tag
phases run combo=ppo_walker   ls=ppo slurm=local phases=150k    num_confs=128 num_seeds=5 wandb.entity=entity_name wandb.project=project_name wandb.experiment_tag=experiment_tag

# Download the data of an experiment to a single file into the data/ directory:
phases dl entity_name project_name experiment_tag

# Create visualizations, specifying to either construct an ILM or an IGPR model if a landscape model is required:
# You can also run `bash ALGORITHM` with ALGORITHM either sac, dqn or ppo
# --savefig saves the figures to disk to `figures/ALGORITHM/...
phases ana maps data/ALGORITHM.csv {ilm,igpr}  --savefig
phases ana graphs data/ALGORITHM.csv {ilm,igpr} --savefig
phases ana modalities data/ALGORITHM.csv --savefig
phases ana concavity data/ALGORITHM.csv {ilm,igpr}  --savefig

Experiment Configuration

We use hydra to configure the data collection process. Used values can be found in the conf/ directory. conf/config.yaml is the root of the configuration tree. The different subfolders hold exchangeable configurations for RL contexts (conf/combo/), the search space (conf/ls/), the phase configuration for the data collection (conf/phases/), and the SLURM cluster configuration (conf/slurm/). You can have a look at the slurm config files to configure your cluster and save it to confs/slurm/yourconfig.yaml. You then need to add slurm=yourconfig to the commandline, as seen in the runcommands above. The slurm interface is managed by hydra, see here for more information.

Dataset Description

We provide the data collected as part of the experimental part of the thesis in data/kwie/dqn_cartpole_3_phases.csv. The dataset comprises the following columns:

Column Name Description
ID (empty) unique wandb run id
name unique wandb human readable run name
ls.* hyperparameters varied as part of the landscape analyis
final_eval_i/ep_length_hist eval episode length numpy histogram for ith final stage
final_eval_i/ep_lengths eval episode lengths for ith final stage
final_eval_i/mean_ep_length eval mean episode length for ith final stage
final_eval_i/mean_return eval mean return for ith final stage
final_eval_i/return_hist eval return numpy histogram for ith final stage
final_eval_i/returns eval returns for ith final stage
ls_eval/* same information, but for the landscape stage
meta.ancestor path to folder where snapshot of last phase's best policy is saved
meta.conf_index index for this configuration (unique per phase)
meta.phase phase of this run (starting with 1!)
meta.seed RL algorithm seed of this run
meta.timestamp timestamp of experiment start

These further columns hold information about the experiment (all rows hold the same value):

Column Name Description
conf.agent.hps.* other optimized static hyperparameters for the RL algorithm (from sb3 zoo) RL algorithm name
conf.agent.zoo_optimal_ls.* optimized hyperparameter values for landscape hyperparameters (if ls dimension is specified as Constant) gym environment name
conf.eval.final_eval_episodes number of landscape evaluation episodes
conf.eval.final_eval_start first final evaluation (multiplier for total time)
conf.eval.final_eval_times number of final evaluation stages
conf.eval.freq_eval_episodes number of learning curve evaluation episodes
conf.eval.freq_eval_interval interval in between learning curve evaluations
conf.eval.ls_eval_episodes number of landscape evaluation episodes search space dimension info (parsed in autorl_landscape/util/ sampling strategy
conf.num_confs number of distinct hyperparameter configurations
conf.num_seeds number of runs per configuration
conf.phases time steps for landscape stages
conf.seeds.* random seeds (conf.seeds.agent is first agent seed, further seeds are simply increments of this number)
conf.slurm.* SLURM cluster configuration
conf.total_timesteps time step for final stage
conf.wandb.entity wandb entity name
conf.wandb.project wandb project name


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