A ROS1 Node to integrate the DualSense 5 (PS5) Controller into the ROS ecosystem, including feedback messages to set leds, adaptive triggers etc.
Install the hidapi.
sudo apt install libhidapi-dev
Install the package from pypi.
pip install pydualsense
To allow linux to access the controller, you will need to set the device permissions.
You can either do this manually by typing
sudo su root
sudo chmod -R 777 /dev
to run the node,
OR you can add the provided UDEV rule to your rules.d folder to permanently enable this for your system:
sudo cp YOUR_PATH/ds5_ros/udev/99-dualsense.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
Add attribute cable_connection in function init():
def init(self):
self.cable_connection = True
Change function writeReport() in pydualsense.py to catch the IOError when controller is disconnect to the PC
def writeReport(self, outReport):
write the report to the device
outReport (list): report to be written to device
except IOError:
self.cable_connection = False
Initialize the controller
from pydualsense import *
ds = pydualsense() # open controller
ds.init() # initialize controller
Close the controller
Set color RGB. RGB are integer values and in range 0-255.
ds.light.setColor(255, 0, 0)
Control the rumble effect of left motor or right motor. Intensity is in range 0-255.
Set trigger mode for the buttons and control the intensity.
ds.TriggerR.setForce(1, 255)
Other effects and enumerations could be found under pydualsense.py and enums.py
- Topic: joy
- Message type: Joy
Joy feedback
- Topic: joy/set_feedback
- Message type: JoyFeedbackArray
buttons[0] = cross
buttons[1] = circle
buttons[2] = triangle
buttons[3] = square
buttons[13] = cross up
buttons[16] = cross right
buttons[14] = cross down
buttons[15] = cross left
buttons[6] = rear left 2 button
buttons[7] = rear right 2 button
buttons[4] = rear left 1
buttons[5] = rear right 1
buttons[8] = stick left button
buttons[9] = stick right button
buttons[10] = PS
buttons[11] = share
buttons[12] = options
buttons[17] = track pad button
joy_msg.axes[0] = stick left leftward (-1.0 -> 1.0, default ~0.0)
joy_msg.axes[1] = stick left upward (-1.0 -> 1.0, default ~0.0)
joy_msg.axes[2] = stick right leftward (-1.0 -> 1.0, default ~0.0)
joy_msg.axes[3] = stick right upward (-1.0 -> 1.0, default ~0.0)
joy_msg.axes[4] = rear left 2 pushDown (0.0 -> 1.0, default = 0)
joy_msg.axes[5] = rear right 2 pushDown (0.0 -> 1.0, default = 0)
Other controll function like touch pad can be found in pydualsense.py
HeaderFile: rgbIntToFloat.h with function rgbIntToFloat(int, int, int) to change RGB 3 * 8 bit to float32 value