This tutorial will explain how to :
- create and deploy a subnet,
- compile and deploy on this newly created subnet a smart contract,
- mint some NFTs paid with the blockchain token gouvernance created with the subnet.
First, install nodejs Version 18
or more recent
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Next, install yarn
sudo npm install -g yarn
Install GIT
sudo apt install -y git
And finally, install avalanche-cli
curl -sSfL | sudo sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin
We install the binary of avalanche of subnet-cli in /usr/local/bin so is in your path
echo $PATH (to verify)
To install and deploy your subnet, you need to know
- the name of the subnet
- the name of the token and the ticker
Create the subnet myfactory with ticker MFY and chain ID number 123
avalanche subnet create myfactory
- ✅ Choose your VM: SubnetEVM
- ✅ ChainId: 123 (or what you want)
- ✅ Select a symbol for your subnet's native token: MFY
- ✅ What version of Subnet-EVM would you like?: Use latest version
- ✅ How would you like to set fees: Low disk use / Low Throughput 1.5 mil gas/s (C-Chain's setting)
- ✅ How would you like to distribute funds: Airdrop 1 million tokens to the default address (do not use in production)
- ✅ Advanced: Would you like to add a custom precompile to modify the EVM?: No
The subnet are now created
Let deploy on local network
avalanche subnet deploy myfactory
- ✅ Choose a network to deploy on: Local Network
Subnet-cli will print a dashboard with networks and endpoints informations
- ✅ RPC URL: the endpoint to request your blockchain
- ✅ Funded address and the private key to access funds
- ✅ Network name: myfactory
- ✅ Chain ID: 123
- ✅ Currency Symbol: MFY
🔴 WARNING: Copy the RPC URL and private key somewhere before proceed ! 🔴
git clone ;
cd nft-mint ;
Hardhat uses hardhat.config.js
as configuration file. You can define tasks, networks, compilers and more in that file. For more information see here.
In our repository we use a pre-configured file hardhat.config.ts
You need to fill this file with your blockchain information
On the local network configuration, replace
- ✅ url: put the RPC URL information given when you deploy your subnet
- ✅ chainId: the number you put on Chain ID
Test with some tasks, if everything are ok
yarn accounts (the account address with the minted tokens you create when deploy your subnet)
yarn balances (the amount of tokens you mint, will be 1 million (base 18)
If everything going well, you are happy and rich with 1 million tokens :-)
Now you'll compile the MyNFT.sol contract
yarn compile
Now we deploy the contract on the subnet
yarn deploy
🔴 WARNING: Copy somewhere the address of the contract printed in the ouptup of the deploy command ! 🔴
First you have to edit the file in src/components/Home.jsx and replace the 7th line :
const contractAddress = "YOUR_DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS" with the address of the contract copied before
Now you need to access the 1 million token you minted with metamask wallet (1 million 😱)
To do this, just create a new network
In metamask app: parameters > network > create a new network
Fill with the subnet data
- ✅ Network Name: myfactory
- ✅ New URL RPC: put the RPC URL information given when you deploy your subnet
- ✅ Chain ID: the number of Chain ID
- ✅ Symbol of token: the ticker of your token
Then save
To access the address with the million token, just chose "import an account" with the private key you got when you deployd your subnet
And that's all !!! you got a little bit less then 1 million because when you have deployed the contract, you paid the fees for your subnet transactions 🙂
Start the web3 app
npm run dev
Access the url on your browser http://localhost:3000
Mint and have fun !