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- 📫 How to reach me: avinashnair02@gmail.com.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I can work as long as i want.
Objective - To alert and assist the driver of the vehicle for intended nature of the road ahead and identification of traffic sign boards on the road
NLP Multi-class classification of hotel reviews, with DEMO Web App .This can be used by Hotelier to check the reviews in bulk and eradicate the negative reviews thus helping to increase the custome…
Jupyter Notebook
In this Project, I have performed the end to end Exploratory Data Analysis, and identified the characteristics of the customers that are more likely to churn, and I have used them wisely to create…
Jupyter Notebook
The goal of this object detection is to detect a hard-hat/construction helmet In many factory environments, when employees enter a designated area, they must be wearing proper equipment such as a c…
Jupyter Notebook
The aim is to use machine learning algorithms to develop models for predicting used car prices, based on several factors, including brand, model, year, location, etc.
Jupyter Notebook
This movie chat bot will recommend movies based on content based filtering using cosine similarity