This is CraftBeerPi version 3.0. It's currently in beta status.
Open a terminal window on Raspberry Pi and type:
git clone
This will download (clone) the software to your local Raspberry Pi.
Type cd craftbeerpi3
to navigate into the craftbeerpi folder.
Type sudo ./
Here you will find a guide how to wire everything up.
CraftBeerPi 3.0 is a complete rewrite. Server as well as user interface. I recommend to use a second SD card for testing.
For developing this application or its plugins on a PC/Mac you can use the docker-compose file:
$ docker-compose up
Starting craftbeerpi3_app_1 ... done
Attaching to craftbeerpi3_app_1
app_1 | [2018-08-13 12:54:44,264] ERROR in __init__: BUZZER not working
app_1 | (1) wsgi starting up on
The contents of this folder will be mounted to /usr/src/craftbeerpi3
and the server will be accesible on localhost:5000
CraftBeerPi is a free & open source project. If you like to support the project I happy about a donation: