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GLR parser in Rust.

This crate is most useful when parsers need to be generated at runtime from context-free grammars that depend on user input. In other cases, the LALRPOP crate is likely to be more suitable.


This example shows building a parser for the grammar

S → S S
S → a
S → ε

and using it to parse the input string a:

use glr::{lalr, Grammar, Parser};
let grammar = Grammar {
    num_symbols: 2,
    nonterminals: &[vec![vec![0, 0], vec![1], Vec::new()]],
let table = lalr::Table::new(&grammar);
let (sppf, root) = Parser::new(&grammar, &table)
    .ok_or("Failed to parse")?;

// The family of the root node is three alternative lists of children
let family: Vec<_> =;
// Either a single `a`;
assert_eq!(family[0][0].symbol(&sppf), Ok(1));
// left-recursion; or
assert_eq!(family[1][0], root);
assert_eq!(family[1][1].symbol(&sppf), Err(&[0][..]));
// right recursion.
assert_eq!(family[2][0].symbol(&sppf), Ok(0));
assert_eq!(family[2][1], root);

Any one of the infinitely many derivation trees can be recovered by unwinding the cycles the right number of times.