The web-tester
artifact provides you a API which helps you test your JSF-Page.
With this API it is easy to setup your test environment and send requests
against your Axon Ivy Engine.
Checkout our official documentation. for more information.
If your JSF-Page contains PrimeFaces
widgets, the primeui-tester
gives you the possibility to interact with those
widgets and check if it's in the condition you expected it to be.
The unit-tester
artifact provides you the following APIs for unit testing:
The web-tester runs with Selenide, Selenium and JUnit 5. Simply add this library to your dependencies in the pom.xml:
Add a new test class to test your process (e.g. or a PrimeFaces widget (e.g.
class WebTest {
void registerNewCustomer() {
$("form:newCustomer")).shouldBe(visible, text("Unit Test"));
void selectOneMenu() {
var selectOne = PrimeUi.selectOne(selectMenuForLabel("Basic:"));
assertThat(selectOne.getSelectedItem()).isEqualTo("Select One");
var ps4 = "PS4";
- See the Releases
- Check/Update the changelog file above
Since 9.4: Releasing is only possible on a release branch.
- Create a release branch if it does not exist yet (e.g. release/10.0)
- Run the release build on the release branch
- Merge the Pull Request for next development iteration
- If you have created a new release branch, then manually raise the version on the master branch to the next major or minor version by executing the following command in the root of this project (adjust version number accordingly):
.ivy/ 10.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Wait until the maven central release is available: this may take several hours until it's fully distributed.
- Raise web-tester in other repos by triggering this build
- Publish the latest draft release do preserve the current changelog.
- Select the tag which was created for this release by the release-pipeline
- Verify that the title is correct
- Set the release as 'latest release'
- Publish it
The Apache License, Version 2.0