Amongst the rest, most prominently features the code for the The Augmented Jump Chain (see src/
- EAMC + Paper Plots
- Hitting times + Optimization (ADAM, RProp, Momentum, RMSProp)
- Adjoint ODE solver as in SUNDIALS (for optimization of hitting times?)
- Temporal Gillespie
- SQRA (ndtorus, perturbation, derivatives for the adjoint problem)
- ISOKANN experiments
- Committor neural network
- Autodiff Bug MWEs
- SparseBoxes, Sqra, picking
- voronoi neighborhood by linear program of H. Lie
- meta SGD
- adaptive euler maruyama
WIP from 07.20 to 06.21
Continuation of and in a similar dirty state Most usefull ideas where ported to ttps://