This module add the Cataclysm battleground Battle for Gilneas on Wotlk 3.3.5a.
Much like Arathi Basin, the players must control strategic capture points on the map to accumulate resources. The first team to gather 2000 resources wins.
This module requires
- Azerothcore v2+ from this revision.
Server-side Install the module step by step:
1) Simply place the module mod-bg-battle-for-gilneas under the `modules` directory of your AzerothCore source.
2) Import the SQL manually to the right Database (auth, world or characters) or with the `` (if `` provided).
3) Re-run cmake and launch a clean build of AzerothCore.
The client data files like DBC, maps, vmaps and mmaps are in in this repository.
Download the files and put them in your server/data/ folder, you need to overwrite the old dbc files and just add the others.
You need to download the patch-G.MPQ and put it in your WoW/Data/ folder or in your WoW/Data/enUS/ folder.
In case that you want to put the patch file into WoW/Data/enUS/ folder, you need to rename it to : patch-enUS-4.MPQ.
If you have a different client than enUS rename it with your client-lang name, for example for ruRU client put the patch in WoW/Data/ruRU/ and rename it as patch-ruRU-4.MPQ.
Note: if you are using patch-T.MPQ (Twin Peaks) and patch-G.MPQ rename patch-G.MPQ into patch-Z.MPQ or merge the two MPQ file and use only one of them.
We recommand you to put the patch in WoW/Data/ folder without renaming it, to prevent errors.
The languages supported by this patch are: enUS, enGB, ruRU, frFR, deDe, esES, esMX.
To use this patch correctly you need this wow.exe cracked version, you can take it using the following download links:
AzerothCore: repository - website - discord chat community