An Introduction to R
Rendered book :
To build this book you will need to install the following packages into R or Rstudio (just use the install.packages()
, reshape2
, ggplot2
, patchwork
, quantreg
, hexbin
, GGally
, ggfortify
, kableExtra
, htmltools
, rmarkdown
, bookdown
, xfun
, knitr
, rsvg
, remotes
, formatR
You will also need to install the icons
package from GitHub and also the download the fontawesome icons using:
icons::download_fontawesome(version = "dev")
To render the book you can either hit the 'Build' button in RStudio or run the following line of code in the console:
rmarkdown::render_site(output_format = 'bookdown::gitbook', encoding = 'UTF-8')