This config was tested in default installation of manjaro i3wm.
- i3 (i3-gaps)
- polybar
- ttf-font-awesome
You can install these dependencies running the follow command in your console: (This work for arch/arch-based distributions) sudo pacman -S i3-gaps polybar ttf-font-awesome --noconfirm
- Install dependencies.
- Backup your currently config.
- Replace folder ".config" in "~/.config" (This folder contain the polybar config)
- Replace folder ".i3" in "~/.i3" (This folder contain the i3 config)
- Restart i3.
Sometimes, after to install some fonts, these dont appear in fc-list. For fix this, run: "sudo rm /etc/fonts/conf.d/70-no-bitmaps.conf" and reload "sudo fc-cache -f -v"
Now, you should see font in fc-list.
Fix the time in Manjaro. (Source: timedatectl set-timezone Zone/SubZone #Set your timezone ntpd -qg #Sincronize your clock using ntp. hwclock --systohc #Write time against hardware clock.
-terminator -pavucontrol -pulseaudio && pulseaudio-bluetooth -bluez && bluez-utils -flameshot
For some reason, when you connect a 3rd display with an adapter -USB C to HDMI- arch detect the monitor and you can see with "xrandr --listmonitors", but this doesnt appear in arandr. So, you must do the follow:
Get the correct mode changing the resolution and monitor frequency.
# gtf 1920 1080 60
So, add the newmode specyfing the output, add this mode to correct display, and bind with display.
# xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00" 172.80 1920 2040 2248 2576 1080 1081 1084 1118 -HSync +Vsync
# xrandr --addmode HDMI2 "1920x1080_60.00"
# xrandr --output HDMI2 --mode "1920x1080_60.00"
Add the follow line in your startup script. Example: $HOME/.i3/config
nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"