Lightweight web server for easily monitor PDF changes on mobile device
npm i -g pdfmon
Suppose you have a LaTeX document located at ~/work
, and you want to use a tablet to continuously view the output PDF as latexmk
cd ~/work
pdfmon latexmk main.tex
> ......
> ......
> Launched web server on 8080 for main.pdf
> Listening on 8080 for main.pdf
Usage: To start a web server, run:
pdfmon start <path-to-pdf>
Note that the web server forks and runs in background.
To trigger reload, run:
pdfmon reload
To quit daemon, run:
pdfmon stop
To automatically run latexmk, run:
pdfmon latexmk [<options>] <main.tex>
Note that <cwd> is very important for ALL those commands.
Adjust listening port by environment variable PORT.